Friday, April 6, 2012

Ten Minutes of Managing Diabetes

While many think that it takes a lifetime to manage diabetes, there is actually ten minutes of managing diabetes. That’s on a lighter side, managing diabetes can be simple and doable. Take it easy.

It is doable to do ten minutes of managing diabetes. Managing diabetes can just be a habit being developed that involves diet management, exercise, insulin and medication. There are simple ways too that make it very possible to manage.

Test blood sugar in 2 minutes

Make your glucose monitor handy by placing in on the nightstand. Seeing the tool will remind you to use it when you wake up and before bedtime. Ideal blood sugar level on wakeup time is between 90 to 130 mg./dL and 110 to 150 mg/dL before bedtime.

You can also carry glucose monitors with you to the gym. Your gym bag can have a tag that reminds you to check your blood glucose before and after a workout. This is less than ten minutes of managing diabetes and this is for you to be aware how effective your workouts are to your blood glucose target, and avoid level drops that can be very dangerous. Managing diabetes is as quick as testing blood glucose levels.

Body check

Every after shower, you can do a quick body inspection from head to toe. Locate for red, sore or dry spots in your skin as they can likely be infected. Pay more attention to parts that moist and bacteria can grow – breasts, under arms, between toes and legs. To help you with checking and make it fast, use mirror. This body check will take less than two minutes.

Emergency packs

The ten minutes of managing diabetes can mean that you prepare emergency packs and that is part of managing diabetes quickly. Preparing them can be very quick. It includes putting into the pack glucose tablets and candies that can help you cope with hypoglycemia or low blood sugar. When you skip a meal, a medication or are exercising hard, these can result to hypoglycemia and you will feel shaky and dizzy. These emergency packs can help you deal with that; and to think this simple and fast packing can save you from a dangerous situation.

Drink plenty of water

Drinking water takes less than a minute; but it can help your skin avoid dryness. Dry skin causes itch and crack that my lead to infection.

Have shoes available by the door

Another way of ten minutes of managing diabetes is to put your shoes for outside and inside the house should stay by the door. Managing diabetes this way reminds you of wearing your footwear when you go through the door either towards outside or inside the house. By doing so, you will not get the temptation of going barefoot. Feet are important parts of your body that need more care. Bacteria likely visits the feet that might lead to sores, redness and infection.

These are just some of the most practical, quick and simple tips of managing diabetes in less than ten minutes. Some also includes preparing/taking insulin and wearing your medical alert bracelet to let people know that you are diabetic.

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