Friday, April 6, 2012

Diabetic Senior Citizens Should Be More Keen to Diabetes Management

While elderly people have a lot of health issues to face with their senior years. If they are diabetic senior citizens, they have more to face as diabetes needs to be managed too.

Diabetic senior citizens have quite a lot to watch over in maintaining their body’s health. While diabetes management is required for diabetes patients, elderly ones also have other issues and limitations to face because of their senior years.


Exercise is highly recommended as one of the things that can help manage diabetes and avoid complications. For senior citizens however, exercise has a lot of limits because of their other health factors. Most of all, seniors have heart diseases that are not conducive to some exercises like cardio exercises themselves. Cardio exercises could have given contribution for their capability to reduce the risk for fatal complications. Many seniors are already confined in a wheelchair making it hard for them to perform exercise.

Diabetic senior citizens have a special exercise program intended for diabetes management as well. You have to check out with your doctor for more information.


Senior citizens usually cannot drive because of some health problems. This can be another challenge because the patient has a lot of mobile activities such as going to the doctor, pharmacy, dietitian, counseling and others. If transportation means is limited, it would be challenging for the doctor to monitor the patient’s body performance.


Depression can come to the old age-diabetes pair. It is one of the most common side effects of diabetic patients. It is important to get help from your health professionals to not let depression happen at all.


For diabetic senior citizens, diabetes management is doubly challenging. They may already have some intolerance in some food. There are foods that they cannot take and they have trouble chewing; all these plus the diabetic challenge of balancing diet and watching carbs. It is important for senior diabetics to consult a dietitian to come up with a good diet customized for his needs and issues.

Health care

One of the most challenging cases senior citizens face is health care. They are old, frail, sick and not capable of earning money. Having diabetes needs money for medicine, consultation and management of the disease. If there are no health care, seniors shall be in worse financial crisis. It is always wise to save money or buy health care while still young to avoid this terrible scene in senior years.

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