Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Insulin Pen Needles for Insulin Injection

An insulin pen needle is used for insulin injection for patients with diabetes. Diabetic people who are dependent on insulin are recommended by their doctors to do the insulin injection themselves, even at their homes. That is why they need to have insulin pen needles and know how to use them for insulin injection.

To inject insulin to treat diabetes, an insulin pen is used. Insulin injections are needed by patients with diabetes. The components of an insulin pen are an insulin cartridge and a dial. The cartridge is integrated and bought separately while the dial is used to gauge the dose and is applied with disposable pen needles to inject the dose.

Insulin pens can be disposable or non-disposable. The pens of the disposable ones can be thrown away after using up the insulin.

Diabetes is a recurring disease which results from the glucose staying in the blood, instead of in the cells. The cause of the condition is either the pancreas does not produce enough insulin, or there is insulin but the body does not listen to it. Some patients with diabetes rely on insulin pen needles daily for insulin injections as a treatment of the disease. An insulin pen has a disposable needle and an insulin cartridge. The use of insulin pens for injections has its own unique and health benefits.

Insulin pens should be simple to use though teaching a patient in loading the exact amount of insulin and inject it correctly can be tiresome, stressful and time-consuming. A typical insulin pen must be easy to use in injecting insulin. To get the right technique might take about five minutes.

Insulin pen needles should help the diabetic person to ease up the injection of insulin like accurate, clearly readable, easy to use, portable, convenient and comfortable to use.

Disposable syringes and insulin pen needles come in various widths and lengths to suit all types of body to make insulin injections easy and handy. The size of the needles you choose depends on your body type. For example, short-sized needles are best fitting for diabetic children than the longer size. You should ask the help from the healthcare team on what they can recommend.

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