Friday, April 6, 2012

Can Diabetics Benefit from Hypnosis?

The main obsession of diabetics is to control or manage their blood sugar since diabetes is about high blood sugar. There are a lot of ways to do achieve it. One can be hypnosis. Read on to learn more.

Controlling blood sugar levels has been a primary concern among diabetic patients. There are quite a few ways to do this. It ranges from abstaining from sweet treats, carbs to injecting insulin. But now here is a new addition to taming one’s sugar -- hypnosis.

Hypnosis is an interesting phenomenon that has been medically recognized for over 40 years. In 1958, resolutions were made by the American Medical Association and the American Dental Association that recognizes hypnosis as a form of treatment in medicine and dentistry. This was there years after the British Medical Association approved the validity of hypnosis as a therapeutic technique for treating neuroses and for relieving pain in surgery and childbirth.

Hypnosis is a mental state that is induced by a process called hypnotic induction which follows a series of instructions and is conducted by a hypnotist. Diabetics can benefit from hypnosis by seeing and consulting a hypnotist. Hypnotists, as define by the National Guild of Hypnotists, are stress-management consultants and a motivational coach.

Hypnosis uses one’s ability of convincing oneself that something is true. And when these thoughts are internalized, these can be reflected in one’s actions, words and sometimes even in one’s biochemistry.

Diabetes and hypnosis

Hypnosis can help a diabetic patient by motivation. It can make a person think he or she can. For instance, a hypnotist can help set a person’s mind to increase their desire to live well, to be fit, to exercise and to eat a healthy diet. That enough is a great help for diabetics, not necessarily direct hypnosis. It has been a proven and powerful technique of helping people to undertake changes such as those prescribed by the doctor. It can even help people with diabetes in minimizing or even eliminating their insulin requirements. It can even help relieve stress.

When stress levels increase, the blood sugar does so due to a body response against stress. When the mind is at the state of fight-or-flight, the body releases chemicals known as insulin-antagonists which temporarily block the action of insulin while at the same time causing the release of store sugar in the liver and muscles. This means, less stress, more control in diabetic’s blood sugar.

Hypnosis is just a simple but powerful tool that can help set people’s minds to positivity and remove blocks in their lives that have prevented them from living a healthy and happy life.

So does hypnosis help diabetics?

Sure it does!

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