Friday, April 6, 2012

Good Diabetes Care May Reduce Blindness, Heart and Kidney Disease

Many studies are geared towards improving diabetes care at cheaper costs. Health professionals know that good diabetes care can lessen a patient’s lifetime risks of blindness, heart and kidney diseases, which are most common complications of the diabetic population especially among diabetic senior citizens.

It has been shown in the United States that investing to improve diabetes care in qualified health clinics is found to be worth the investment; as it will lead to reduction of blindness, heart and kidney diseases risks. Such should also be applied to all clinics worldwide as it can bring about quality improvements especially to reduce major diabetic complications. Investments on diabetes care improvement are equal to investment to develop new treatments like new diagnostic technologies or better medications and drugs.

Diabetes care in clinics

Clinics which support patients with diabetes see to it that diabetic patients receive standard care. Diabetes care includes regular blood sugar control testing, eye exams, checking blood pressure, assessment of blood cholesterol and fats as well as regular follow-ups.

Diabetes care in clinics also includes preventive treatments like ACE inhibitors and aspirin can lead to the reduction of blindness, heart and kidney disease. Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors are drugs for treating congestive heart failure and high blood pressure. Aspirin is to prevent strokes and heart attacks.

Clinical and personal diabetes care

Having diabetes care in clinics is of vital importance as well as personal care. Clinical care shall affirm the effectiveness of the patient’s personal diabetes management. Both reduce the lifetime risk of blindness, kidney failure and cardiovascular complications.

Furthermore, a longer life with fewer complications is not far from possible. After all, better diabetes care and management are all it is to avoid complications – and complications are the scariest part of having diabetes. Investing time, effort and money for diabetes care to reduce risks of blindness, heart and kidney disease is definitely worth it.

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