Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Maintaining Your Appetite with Type 2 Diabetes

Controlling or maintaining your appetite is very important especially if you have type 2 diabetes because you want to make sure that your sugar levels stay safe and that your weight is also average, meaning not overweight and not underweight.

In order to maintain ideal weight, it is very crucial in maintaining your appetite especially while also managing glucose levels in type 2 diabetes because appetite starts it all. It can make you underweight, average or overweight. For type 2 diabetes patients, average weight is a must so it is important to make a smart decision in order achieve your health goal.

The following are some of the effective ways to maintain appetite even with type 2 diabetes.

Protein intake is good. Foods that rich in protein will stimulate the body’s massacre production of appetite hormone called cholecystokinin or CCK – the one responsible for triggering protein and fat digestion.

Eating too much sometimes produces emotions of being guilty and overeating is a cruel thing that is not easy to take. However, maintaining your appetite so as not to worsen type 2 diabetes can be a good discipline factor. For the mistakes of the past, learn from them and move on. Diabetes gives you no excuse this time.

Take foods that are rich in fiber like legumes or veggies, which can stretch and distend your tummy. In your pantry store healthy foods or snacks like: fruit baby carrots, crackers and low-fat dairy products. According to the study water intake before eating make you eat less. It is expected that the fluid exactly fills in the stomach; it makes you full before your first bite.

You need to eat plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole grains for the sake of your health; foods which are rich and high in nourishment and low fat and low calories. You will also need to take less sweets and animal products.

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