Friday, April 6, 2012

Reishi Mushrooms and the Fight Against Diabetes

Reishi mushrooms are accepted as an alternative cure for treating some diseases including diabetes, hepatitis and some types of cancer. Reishi mushrooms do its treatment without bad effects.

The power of reishi mushrooms to fight diabetes was published in the “Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology” December 2009 issue. Reishi mushrooms have 400 bioactive compounds that have the capability to affect the body cells’ functions. One of the pharmacological benefits that they give is the prevention and cure of diabetes.

Reishi affects the immune system and helps lower the possibility of inflammation – which are both critical issues of a diabetic. On top of this, reishi gives diabetics the following benefits that solve their critical issues: it has antiviral and antibacterial properties, holds back the formation of arterial plaque and lowers cholesterol levels. This has been found in the study in Gwalior, India Research and Development Centre, Bisen Biotech and Biopharma Pvt. Ltd.

Blood sugar

Meanwhile, the Chinese University of Hongkong found reishi mushrooms good for managing diabetes lower blood sugar in laboratory animals in just a week. Reishi did that by slowing down an enzyme that liver utilizes to produce glucose. Such study was published in the Phytomedicine journal issue May 2009.

Reishi mushrooms were used to deliver orally-administered insulin so the latter can effectively function. If taken orally, insulin has to survive the stomach’s acidic environment. Scientists in Peking University China experiment, injected insulin into the spores of reishi mushrooms which resulted to the decrease of blood glucose to 80 percent in diabetic animals.

Reishi and insulin

Reishi is found to be good in fighting diabetes like insulin does. However, insulin can eventually result to the pancreas’ premature aging and can make the body depend on it. Reishi mushrooms do not give adverse effects to the pancreas and make the body manage without extra insulin. Reishi’s fight against diabetes is natural. The only drawback is that patients are not allowed to take reishi for long because it might result to stomach pain, dizziness, dry mouth and nosebleeds.

Kidney effects

Reishi mushrooms are good in fighting against diabetic kidneys by lowering triglycerides and kidney stress. Its capability of decreasing the levels of serum creatinine prevents diabetic nephropathy. Reishi mushrooms can improve the conditions of the kidneys – normal or damaged alike.

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