Monday, April 23, 2012

Natural Ways to Balance Glucose Levels

Here are some of the easy-to-apply natural ways to balance glucose levels. Balancing blood sugar is the main concern for the health conscious and diabetics especially. To do so, we should not just rely on medication and treatment but must also do our part.

Balancing the glucose levels is the theme of diabetics. Fortunately, there are a lot of natural ways to balance glucose levels which are easy, simple and doable.

When you eat something, your intestines and stomach break the food and convert it to glucose. This glucose is needed by the cells for energy, but for the cells to use them, they need the help of insulin. With diabetes, there can be short of insulin production or the body is resistant to using insulin, particularly because of excess fats. So glucose stays in the blood, pancreas secretes more insulin until it gets tired and gives up. That is when diabetes occurs.

To help yourself and your body stay healthy, you can do the following which are just some of the natural ways that can help balance glucose levels:

Eat often, eat small

The body processes better if the food comes in small amounts. It is easier in the pancreas, intestines and digestive enzymes. It may vary in individuals, but you may eat 4 to 6 meals a day, of 400 to 600 calories each depending on your caloric intake. Eat every four hours, at least.

Increase water consumption

The body is fed much of water. To be dehydrated is dangerous, as it is difficult for the blood, which carries glucose and insulin.

Involve your muscles

The muscles are the consumers of glucose. Being physically active make the muscles utilize glucose and coerce the body to be insulin sensitive. Physical activity or exercise is one of the effective natural ways to balance glucose levels.

Make sure you get off belly fat

If you are male, below 40 inches belly circumference is safe. For female, below 35 inches. Belly fat can increase insulin resistance and heart disease. It can increase dramatically under high stress because of the release of cortisol from adrenals. Exercise, relaxing baths, meditation and massage can help you de-stress.

Monitor your thyroid

Your thyroid and pancreas have a link between them. If your thyroid is not properly working, chances are your pancreas is suffering some imbalance which can lead to insulin resistance. Check your thyroid regularly.

Laugh more

An old adage says that laughter is the best medicine. There was a study where 19 diabetics attended a lecture on one day and a comedy show on the next day, after meals. It was found that their blood glucose levels were down on the day of the comedy show than the lecture day. Thus, a good way to lower glucose level is to laugh a bit.

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