Monday, April 23, 2012

Healthy Diabetes: Rebuild Your Immune System

If you are a diabetic can still have healthy diabetes if you manage the disease well. It is also better if you rebuild your immune system most especially if you are type 1 diabetic.

Have a healthy diabetes. Rebuild your immune system. As we know, a weak immune can cause trouble to someone’s health. That is just so since it is the body’s defense mechanism against external attacks that can cause sickness and damage to the body.

The immune system deficiency causes some body abnormalities including type 1 diabetes. While some research are still ongoing on how to strengthen the immune system through medical or clinical procedures, there are some of the more practical, easy and accepted ways to do so. The following are some of those:

Drink a lot of water every day, at least 64 ounces or eight glasses. Water is a main ingredient of the body’s fluids. It aids the kidneys and liver to function properly – flushing out the harmful impurities. Have healthy diabetes by rebuilding your immune system with water. Dehydration can bring adverse effects to the immune system, and at some levels, can be deadly.

Practice a healthy diet intake. Nutrients from good food contribute to the body’s health. Some of these good foods are whole grains, oats, whole wheat bread, flax seed, steamed or raw vegetables especially those that are dark green and fruits particularly berries and the citrus varieties.

Eliminate unhealthy foods. Some of these are white or refined sugar, caffeine, animal fats, alcohol and trans fats.

Quit smoking or never smoke at all. If you are a smoker, no matter how hard it maybe, you need to quit. You can never have a healthy diabetes with smoking. Rebuild your immune system by quitting smoking. Cigarette chemicals are very harmful indeed to the immune system.

Have a regular exercise. A physical activity like climbing stairs, brisk walking, scrubbing the kitchen or jumping rope are exercise in themselves. Do your exercise for at least 30 minutes a day. The point is your heart rate must increase for a certain amount of time.

Rest, avoid stress and relax. Stress is one of the major culprits of weakening the immune system. If you have a stressful job and you cannot do anything about it, do some de-stressing activities like taking a hot bath, taking a walk, getting a massage or reading a book. Healthy diabetes is having enough sleep. Good sleep is important to rebuild your immune system. Make sure you sleep seven to nine hours during the night so that tackling your day can be easier and will not cause you irritability and exhaustion.

Include vitamins C and E in your intake. Vitamin C helps promote the production of white blood cells. The latter are good in fighting out infections and surface-coat the cells to prevent the entrance of viruses. Some vitamin C sources are papaya, guava, orange and strawberries.

Vitamin E aids promote the production of cells which destroy bacteria, germs and cancer. Vitamin E lowers the risk of heart disease. It can be found in grains, vegetable oils and seeds.

Have a healthy diabetes by taking some lean protein because they have amino acids which are the building blocks of the body. They are good too for you to rebuild your diabetes. They increase white blood cells count. The more white blood cells one has, the stronger his immune system becomes. Lean protein are good quality. They come from eggs, turkey, chicken, beans, lentils and omega-3.

Beta carotene is an anti-oxidant that can make the immune system stronger. It triggers the production of cells that can kill infections. Take beta carotene sources like spinach, carrots and sweet potatoes. Beta carotene can lower cancer and rheumatoid arthritis risks. It is especially important for elderly people.

Other foods good for the immune system are garlic, yogurt and lemon.

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