Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Gymnema Sylvestre Promotes Healthy Blood Sugar

Gymnema sylvestre was used in South India to promote healthy blood sugar because it destroys sugar and aids in both insulin-dependent or non-insulin dependent diabetes.

Gymnema sylvestre is a woody, vine-like plant which can promote healthy blood sugar. It climbs on bushes and trees in the Western Ghats in South India. It is known as “sugar destroyer” because, in prehistoric period, Ayurvedic physicians observed that chewing a few leaves of Gymnema concealed the taste of sugar. Currently clinical trials conducted in India have shown that an extract of Gymnema sylvestre is helpful in both insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) and in some types of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM). As a result of these clinical tests and years of unbeaten treatment, Gymnema is used today all over India for diabetes mellitus treatment.

How it works

Since gymnema conceals the taste of sweet foods, it also conceals the desire to eat. Gymnema sylvestre promotes healthy blood sugar by stopping the metabolic result of sugar so as to prevent the intestines from absorbing sugar molecules during digestion. The paste or powder of gymnema root can be help treat snakebite. It can also be used as a fever treatment thru oral administration as well as an external application of its triturated leaves mixed with castor oil can help treat inflamed glands.

The components of the taste buds that detect sugar in the mouth is similar to the structure of the tissue that absorbs sugar in the intestine. The essential active ingredient of Gymnema sylvestre is an organic acid called "gymnemic acid." The gymnemic acid is made up of molecules which arrangement is similar to that of glucose molecules.

The use of Gymnema Sylvestre supplements in patients with diabetes gives positive result in promoting healthy blood sugar. It appears that the main effect occurs from reducing of postprandial sugar levels, with reliable mechanisms of action declared. Gymnema Sylvestre supplementation appears to develop glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes. To reduce postprandial blood sugar significantly causes HbA1c reduction, or diabetes complications reduction.

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