Friday, April 6, 2012

Sweet Stevia and Its Gift to Diabetics

Stevia, an artificial sweetener that is extracted from a plant which offers a lot of natural benefits favorable to the maintenance of the body’s health of diabetics and non-diabetics alike.

Stevia – one of the artificial sweeteners we know come from Paraguay and Brazil is a natural gift for diabetics and others. Discovered in 1887, the natives called it “honeyleaf” and used it to sweeten their drinks. French scientists then extracted pure stevia from its leaves and called it “stevioside”, a very sweet ingredient – 100 to 200 times sweeter than ordinary sugar. Stevia has been found to be very effective sweetener that has no bad effects on the body.

Stevia has a nice taste and has no after-taste. It is available in health food stores. It was widely distributed and used since 1971 throughout the world, but with the United States as an exemption because drug stores opposed the approval of the FDA to protect the profits of their artificial sweeteners.

The sole problem with regards to Stevia is its price which is a challenge to its users especially to diabetics who are already facing quite a lot of expenses. Stevia is expensive compared to the natural plain sugar. However, its single packet has sweetness equivalent to two packets of artificial sweeteners.

Stevia’s effect on diabetics

Indeed, many studies have been conducted and found that the Stevia sweetener does not produce toxic effects and is found to have less or no effect on the levels of blood sugar. A lot of diabetes patients found Stevia good to sweeten their drinks, shakes and its taste is as natural as an ordinary sugar compared to other commercial artificial sweeteners.

Stevia not only helps diabetics but also hypoglycemics with its regulating effect on the stabilizing blood sugar and pancreas while reducing the risk of obesity.

Other benefits
Stevia also stops the growth of bacteria that causes tooth decay and gum problems, thus, it is an ideal ingredient for mouthwash and toothpaste. It also aids in healing skin illnesses. Its concentrates can be used as facial masks to tighten and soften the skin and avoid wrinkles by applying the liquid to the areas of the face and let it dry for at least half or an hour. Stevia can also get rid of dandruff and make the hair looks better.

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