Sunday, April 8, 2012

Life Extension Science – Giving a Chance to Live Longer

Life extension science is still undergoing a lot of studies to give everyone a chance to live longer. It is said that eventually, it shall reach its goal to let humans extend life expectancy.

Life extension science, a study of decelerating the aging process, is gradually giving humans the chance to live longer. It is also called experimental gerontology, anti-aging medicine and biomedical gerontology. Researchers in this study are called longevists or life extensionists. These people want to extend their lives.

It is believed that further studies of this life extension science in tissue reconstruction, organ replacement and molecular repair will eventually lead to longer life spans through total rejuvenation to a young healthy condition.

The anti-aging industry has been a lucrative industry, earning about $50 billion each year in the United States market. Albeit few have been claimed to be effective, others reported that these products are of no effect and have been criticized by medical experts.

Some research to support the life expectancy programs to give all a chance to live longer are focused on diet, nutrition, vitamins, supplements, hormone treatments, nanotechnology, cloning, cryonics, strategies for engineered neglible senescence (SENS), genetic modification, fooling genes and many others.

Most of the above-mentioned anti-aging processes are still under study and are not proven to be effective in their goals. However, there are natural ways to prolong life and with no adverse effects. Examples are exposing yourself to sunlight so your body produce vitamin D (15 minutes in the early morning is enough), hanging out or travelling to increase human relationship, exercise, eating fruits and vegetables, distressing, regular medical screenings and tests, avoiding risks, avoiding watching TV and flossing daily.

Why flossing daily? Flossing gives you healthier gums and teeth. Unhealthy gums and teeth can lead to heart disease, so keeping them healthy avoids heart disease as well.

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