Friday, April 6, 2012

Recommended Drinks for Type 2 Diabetics

There are a list of recommended drinks for type 2 diabetics. Typically, even drinks are something diabetics should be conscious too, not just food. Drinks are liquids that go inside the body system and are therefore regarded with caution especially if you already have diabetes.

While diabetics watch the food they eat, drinks should also be watched too. Below are some of the highly-recommended beverages that type 2 diabetics must consider taking all the time. They come in random order.


The universal thirst quencher which comes in handy and should not be taken for granted. Water is calorie-free. Water preference from soda or fruit juice can help you lose weight. A research discussed at the National Meeting of the American Chemical Society talked about drinking at least 237 ml or 8 oz of water before a meal can help people eat less.

Distilled Water

Distilled water is healthy. It is pure and free of chemicals, microorganisms, sweeteners and calories that can contribute to unhealthy nervous system and heart. Aside from being a recommended drink for type 2 diabetics, distilled water can also keep you hydrated and is not a threat to health.

Green tea

Diabetes is not a deadly disease, but its complications. One of the most common of which is heart –related, which tops as the number one killer for diabetics. Diabetics are said to have twice cardiovascular disease risk than those who have no diabetes. Green tea can help prevent heart problems. It has a special antioxidant known as epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which helps protect the cells of the arteries of the heart and reduce the formation of plaque.

Fat-Free Milk

Protein is an important nutrient that helps the body save muscle and can lower appetite. Fat-free milk has protein and it is a highly recommended drink for type 2 diabetics. Portable protein sources are rare. It is funny but unfortunate: it is easier to find an honest politician than a portable source of protein. However, take milk that is free of fat but keep it cool always. A glass of it contains eight grams of protein.

Soy Milk

Soy milk is from soybeans, a good protein source and its protein content is equivalent to the protein we get from animal products. It also has antioxidant and healthy fats like polyunsaturated ones including omega-3 fatty acids that improve cholesterol levels in the blood.

Pomegranate Juice

Pomegranate juice has antioxidants that helps reduce heart disease risk. That is what the scientists at National Nutrition and Food Technology Research Institute, Tehran, Iran found. They had it published it in the “International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research” May 2006.

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