Sunday, April 8, 2012

Enjoy Fair Food without Ruining Your Diet Plan

Enjoy fair food without torpedoing your diabetic diet plan. Though the holidays can be a very enjoyable event, the food treats that go with the holidays can be dangerous to your health.

It is Christmas month – a month of fair food and treats. Your diet plan shall be ruined if you let yourself be carried away. Celebration of joyous family bondings, friends reunions, parties, discos, events and of course lots of food can be fine as long as you keep in control. This is the time of the year that people who are dieting or are diabetics find it a tough time for seeing food and cannot eat them all when they are supposed to enjoy.

However, you can actually enjoy food without ruining your diet plan. Here’s how:

Do the shopping yourself

You know what to do when shopping for food - plan ahead. List down what you need. You are not impulsive with fair food to destroy your diet plan. You already know what you need to buy, and buy the food in your list. Explore for tastier and healthier food. A lot of modern recipes nowadays have less sugar, more vegetables and are healthier than the less healthy foods that are full of calories.

Take lots of water and liquids

Drinking more water makes you hydrated especially when the weather is sunny. Drinking water can also dampens down the appetite.

Foot wears

Always wear comfortable, protective foot wears. With these, you shall be at ease in whatever you do such as walking, running and staying active. Being active is highly recommended to burn your calories.

Eat before going to the fair

Eat before you go. Or bring your own food so as not to make mistake with fair food so as not to ruin your diet plan. This shall not tempt you to try unhealthy food or even expensive food. With this you save money as well.

Spread your favorite food

Do not take all your favorite foods at the fair at once. Spread the treats throughout your time or better just enjoy one or two each visit. Take your time and do not be in a hurry to take all you want to take. Ideal diet plan has fruits, grains, vegetables, moderate fat, lean meat and adequate magnesium.

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