Monday, April 23, 2012

Diabetes and Atkins Diet: The Atkins Diabetes Revolution

Let us see how diabetes and Atkins diet can go hand in hand in managing blood sugar. The typical therapy for diabetes are drugs and a good diet of carbs and sugar. Many have known that limiting carbs, especially grain and refined sugar is an effective solution of preventing and managing type 2 diabetes.

Diabetes and Atkins diet can go hand in hand to achieve best health results. One of the more famous diets these days is Atkins Diet. This diet focuses more on lean protein and low consumption of carbohydrates. Atkins Diet can bring a substantial weight loss in a short period. It consists of four phases: Induction, On-Going Weight Loss, Pre-Maintenance and Lifetime Maintenance.

The Atkins Diabetes Revolution mainly has exclusive levels of meal preparation and carbohydrates intake. It begins with 20 grams every day, increasing to 40 then 60 grams every day. Dr. Atkins popularized the relationship of insulin and overweight.

Stage 1: Induction

In the first phase, the consumption of some lean fats and carbohydrates is very limited, 20 grams or lower. It helps patients with diabetes and individuals who are addicted to sweets, or those who are obese to reduce weight. Atkins diet also helps those who still do not have diabetes, reduce the risk of having diabetes. The limitation of carbohydrates in this phase
can lead to the state of ketosis, meaning the body burns its stored fat as fuel because of the absence of incoming glucose.

This phase mainly consists of high protein like chicken, fish, preferred vegetables and eggs. Carbs particulary pasta, sugar and bread are limited. Even nuts and fruits should be refrained.

This stage lasts about two weeks and can significantly change your metabolism. Exercising fair enough is important too.

Stage 2: Ongoing Weight Loss

This fits those with diabetes well. Atkins diet in the second phase, lets healthy carbs come in like vegetables and fruits. Whole grains are added in small quantities. It gradually introduces selected foods such as fruits, vegetables and nuts with the aim of still reducing weight.

The body continues to burn stored fats and the more balanced choice of foods allows a much wider meal variety. The patient should continue educating himself/herself of Atkins theory and keep in mind that his weight loss goal is 10 lbs.

Stage 3: Pre-Maintenance

This phase is for balancing carbohydrates, the stage where one accomplishes his normal and ideal weight. This can take maybe more than a few months.

Stage 4: Lifetime Maintenance

Just like the lifetime health maintenance especially those with diabetes, Atkins diet is meant to be followed forever. The patient should live a life of the ideal or standard weight which is a healthy weight.

Atkins Diet meals are fresh, lean and delectable. It makes becoming active and healthy easier to achieve.

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