Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Overcome the Barriers in Glucose Self-Monitoring

Why need monitoring of glucose levels? If you are diabetic, this is a must. However, there are barriers in glucose self-monitoring. We just have to learn in how to overcome them.

No matter what the barriers are there for glucose self-monitoring, it is still worth the practice. Monitoring is very important for successful administering of diabetes. It is crucial especially for those who take insulin medication. A lot of people realize that sometimes it is not easy to routinely monitor blood sugar but for diabetics.

The American Diabetes Association reported that many diabetic patients do not check their glucose levels due to reasons like:

monitoring is pointless because they cannot do anything about the results of the levels anyway
It keeps on reminding that you have diabetes, self-monitoring can be literally painful

For patients to overcome these barriers, the following are the general tips given:
Keep in mind that glucose readings are just numbers. This is an easy barrier to overcome in glucose self-monitoring. Just think that readings are not judgments of your ability to manage your diabetes.

Think of your test results as a check — not a test. Blood glucose testing is a tool that you can use to evaluate the effectiveness of your diabetes care plan.

Be realistic. You have to cooperate with your healthcare provider to determine your blood glucose goals.

Use your knowledge to administer diabetes from day to day. Ask help with your healthcare provider to adjust your diabetes care plan by making some better changes on your meal plan, activity level, and/or your medication to help meet your blood glucose goals.
Have an inspiration and think of that inspiration. You have to give courage to yourself to do monitoring your sugar level for the better. It is also for the sake of your loved ones.

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