Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Glucose Tolerance in Men Who Are Underweight

Glucose tolerance in underweight men is not good. Overweight or being obese is one of the risk factors of diabetes. However, we should also know that being underweight is also a risk factor itself. The ideal weight is between overweight and underweight.

Finding out the glucose tolerance in underweight men shall prove that underweight is not a safe condition for diabetes at all. We have learned that obesity and overweight is a known risk factor especially of type 2 diabetes. We thought that if you are underweight, you are safe.

However, being low of weight and glucose tolerance can also lead to type 2 diabetes. There has been a test performed to men who were underweight, of normal weight and overweight to find out how their bodies tolerate sugar. Their bodies’ sensitivity to insulin was also calculated since it is noted that the major cause of type 2 diabetes is resistance to insulin.
The significance of how responsive the participants were shall specify their risks to acquire type 2 diabetes. Glucose tolerance was found less in men who were below the normal weight level or those who are underweight than those men who were of normal weight. Sugar tolerance in overweight volunteers was also poor, compared with the average weight groups. It is consequently concluded that sugar tolerance possibly affected not just in the overweight individuals, but individuals who are underweight; and that normal weight protection is important to prevent type 2 diabetes.

In order to identify the normal weight, use the body mass index (BMI) calculation which should indicate between 18.5 to 24.9 based on the given weight and height. If your weight is below normal you have to improve your weight in normal weight. Glucose tolerance is better for normal weight – not in underweight nor overweight. This is the safest way to improve your weight which would be accomplished similarly in losing weight - by exercising and proper diet.

You don’t need to intake foods high in protein, and fruits and vegetables that actually contain a little protein. Continue track if you notice that you are getting overweight, monitor your weight at least once a week.

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