Friday, April 6, 2012

Diabetic Supplements to Aid Diabetes Part I

There are a lot diabetic supplements in the market to help aid diabetes. Check them out and ask your doctor or health professionals on what is best for you.

Most diabetic supplements, which sources are usually herbs show good signs to aid diabetes. They are aimed to boost insulin sensitivity and lower blood sugar as well as cholesterol and blood pressure. If you want to try them, consult your doctor as you may need more monitoring of your blood sugar levels. When you see no improvements of effectiveness whatsoever, you may want to stop. Do not waste your time and money.

Gymnema Sylvestre

Also called “sugar destroyer” or “sugar killer”, Gymnema Sylvestre’s main function is to reduce craving for sweets. It helps type 1 diabetics by increasing insulin production in the pancreas; and aids type 2 diabetics by increasing the sensitivity to insulin. Albeit not studied thoroughly yet, it is known to cause no side effects. Many diabetics found it a very effective diabetic supplement to aid diabetes. Many discountinued other medications once they take this. (Please consult your doctor). Typical dosage is 200-250 mg twice everyday.


Diabetes patients are usually deficient of magnesium. Such condition worsens insulin resistance and high blood sugar. It has been suggested that diabetics should take magnesium to correct diabetes problems. Some studies found it effective, while others showed no benefit from the move. Consult with your doctor if you want to try. Typical dosage is 250-350 mg daily.

Bitter Melon

Bitter melon are thought to hinder absorption of sugar in the intestine and aid cells maximize glucose effectively. A study was conducted in the Philippines where men and women took bitter melon as a diabetic supplement in capsule for three months. It proved to be a better supplement to aid diabetes, as the subjects showed consistent, though slight decrease of blood sugar than those who are not. Typical dosage is about three to six tablespoons of juice daily or 50 to 100 ml. Possible side effect is gastrointestinal problems.


Chromium enhances insulin action and gets involved in metabolizing fats, proteins and carbohydrates. For those who are chromium deficient, it is said to be more effective in normalizing blood sugar. Typical dosage is 200 micrograms every day.

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