Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Diabetes Signs and Symptoms: Tips That You Already Have the Disease

People who already have diabetes never thought that the disease is already in their system. Albeit there are already a widespread of information about the signs and symptoms, people tend to ignore it. Once officially diagnosed with diabetes, it is then that they feel alarmed and shocked.

Diabetes signs and symptoms are simple but recurring. Diabetic patients usually complained of several non-precise, unexplained matters which already reveal the symptoms of diabetes.

Some of these complaints are unexplained rapid lose of weight, deep breath, tiredness or fatigue, nausea or vomiting, frequent urination, hunger and thirst, wounds that are not easily healed and feeling of crawl or irritation on skin.

If you feel the presence of these signs and symptoms, it is best to go for a checkup with your doctor or health professional. The above-mentioned signs and symptoms are not complete and comprehensive but if your healthcare provider has detected some of these, you must already be alarmed. An initial diagnosis of diabetes may help you obtain not just the assistance of your healthcare provider but the administration of proper treatment so you shall continue to stay well. After all, that is why diabetes signs and symptoms are widely-spread for early detection and treatment.

Be keen on your abdomen
Being overweight or obese can be the major reason for the development of diabetes. If you see your abdomen to be big or fat as opposed to your thighs and hips, then beware. This kind of deep fat is directly linked to insulin resistance. You should go for a diabetes test or checkup if your abdomen is 35 inches or more of circumference (for women) and 40 inches and above (for men).
Pre-diabetes can also develop when a discoloration of the skin occurs which is called acanthosis nigricans. Discoloration happens mostly in elbows, knees, knuckles, armpit and at the back of the neck.

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