Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Diabetes Management: Diabetes under Control

Most likely, patients with diabetes are already well-informed of the ways for diabetes management, to put diabetes under control. Everything should be in control to be able to have a better health, better life and a big chance to survive.

Diabetes management means watching the food to eat, exercise and changing your lifestyle. Those are all it takes to put diabetes under control.

Make a meal plan

Watching the food to eat is good, making a meal plan is better. Meal plans can help you get used on the healthy foods to take and keeps you on track, rather than do the thinking and calculation on every meal. A meal plan makes it possible for the right foods to be inculcated in your brains in the long run.

Eating a balanced diet is helpful for you especially if you are diabetic. Do not eat too much food with carbohydrates because it contains sugar. Drink at least eight glasses of water or eight ounces of fresh fruit juice or low fat milk. For effective diabetes management, you should avoid eating high fat dairy products (because it has saturated fats) and processed foods. This way, you are putting diabetes under control.

Also take note of taking the right proportions.

Regular physical activities

Involving in regular physical activities at least three to four times a week will help decrease your blood sugar level. During exercise, your muscles will use glucose as energy. It also puts your blood sugar at safe levels, decreases the risk of heart disease and helps reduce your weight.

Other ways to diabetes management

Getting enough rest and sleep will help your blood glucose level in good condition.
If you smoke, you better quit it. Smoking can ruin your diabetes management. Put diabetes under control by also taking good care of your skin and foot. You have to keep them sore-free, since sores are not easily healed if you are diabetic. If you notice something unusual in your skin or foot, consult your healthcare provider immediately.

Have a goal

Find yourself a goal to keep your glucose in normal levels. Remember that your normal blood glucose level is in between 90 to 130 milligrams/deciliter before meal and within 110 to 150 milligrams/deciliter before going to bed. You have to check your glucose level from time to time, to ensure they are safe.

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