Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Bauhinia Forficata for Diabetes

The natural herb Bauhinia forficata has been used by Brazil folk medicine to treat diabetes mellitus. It is also called “vegetable insulin” and when mixed with Myrcia uniflora (another herb), can improve the long-term control of diabetes.

Bauhinia forficata, commonly known as "paw-of-cow" or "fingernail-of-cow", is commonly-used in ancient Brazil medicine for the treatment of diabetes mellitus. Bauhinia forficata is a natural herb that has been used in traditional Barbazilian medicine to treat diabetes. Another name for Bauhinia forficata in Brazil is "vegetable insulin". When taken with another herb called Myrcia uniflora, Bauhinia forficata can fight against diabetes and is listed as one of the potential anti-diabetic herbal drugs. It is reported that a tea prepared with the leaves of Bauhinia forficata has been used for the treatment of diabetes. Some diabetic pregnant women who arrived for medical investigation in the School of Medicine of Botucatu in Brazil report the use of medicinal plant, such as the bauhinia forficate to treat diabetes mellitus other than taking expensive anti-diabetic drugs.

There were studies conducted which purpose is to establish the effects of diabetes on the defense system against oxidative stress in female rats which are pregnant and to identify the influence of the treatment with Bauhinia forficata extract on the antioxidant system, glycemic control, hepatic glycogen, cholesterol, triglycerides, total proteins and lipids. The observation –reduction of uric acid concentration and rise of hepatic glycogen as well as GSH activity. This last fact suggests that the plant may contain some antioxidants.

Studies showed the existence of insulin-like properties in the leaves of Bauhinia forficata. However, the demonstration of the active component present in bauhinia forficata responsible for its antioxidant effect and the increase in hepatic glycogen deserve further investigation as the research results are not so conclusive.


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