Friday, April 6, 2012

Avoiding Extremes - A Simple Diabetes Management

For patients with diabetes, it is important to have discipline and habit of avoiding extremes for an effective diabetes management. Healthy eating diet, exercises, and taking medications regularly are the main three essential factors. It is very important since it results a control to the blood glucose levels to prevent the immediate signs and symptoms of high blood glucose levels, as well as the long–term complications of diabetes. Here are some of the important benefits in diabetes management:

Healthy Diet therapy

Controlling our carbohydrates intake will help reduce blood cholesterol, control blood glucose levels, maintain an ideal body weight, and delay the complications of diabetes since carbs tend to spike the blood sugar after meals. Remember to limit carbohydrates from your diet.


Avoiding extremes or balanced exercise coupled with balanced healthy diet composes the simple diabetes management. Regular exercises do not only improve our physical performance but also maintain a healthy body especially for diabetics. Being physically active improves blood circulation and lowers blood glucose levels. It also makes the heart strong and aid in maintaining the right body weight.
In diabetes management, execute an exercise such as aerobics, that will raise your heartbeat for a good period of time like 30 minutes at least three times a week. Do what you love to do like cycling, running or being active in outdoor sports so that it is enjoyable and not boring or torturing in your part.


Avoiding extremes in medications for effective diabetes management is likewise practical. Do not rely on drugs totally. You have a role to play by balancing diet and activities.

Follow your medication schedules religiously, do not miss a dose and take one as soon as possible. These are just the few tidbits that will make diabetes management more effective. It is also important that you know what you are taking in order to prevent improper dosage and complications.

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