Friday, April 6, 2012

Vinegar for Treating Diabetes

Vinegar, a very common ingredient in the kitchen is found to help in treating diabetes. There are preliminary studies proving vinegar to have brought benefits to diabetics, not just losing weight. If this is the case, it is so beneficial because vinegar is abundant and available most of the time.

Vinegar has been claimed to be effective in treating diabetes. It is said to have the capability to slow down sugar absorption from a meal to the blood and increase sensitivity of insulin. It prevents the rise of blood sugar after eating and helps in losing weight.

Apple cider vinegar

Vinegars come in various kinds and apple cider is strongly recommended. The apple cider vinegar becomes a popular old folk choice in curing diabetes and other ailments naturally. It is made by crushing and squeezing apples to get its liquid, and adding sugar and yeast to start the fermentation process, and the sugar turns into alcohol. In the second fermentation process, acetic-acid forming bacteria converts the alcohol into vinegar. It is the acetic acid that gives vinegar its sour taste. Apple cider vinegar also contains malic, citric and lactic acids.

A study in University of Arizona

How good it is in treating diabetes, vinegar was focused in a study made in the University of Arizona, which was published in “Diabetes Care” January 2004 issue. The study scrutinized the effect of apple cider vinegar on 29 subjects. Some had normal insulin sensitivity, others had insulin resistance and the rest had type 2 diabetes. They were made to drink 20 grams of apple cider vinegar with 40 grams of water. A week later, bloods were drawn fasting 30 to 60 minutes after eating. The group that took the apple cider vinegar showed improved insulin sensitivity. The vinegar lowered their sugar levels because more glucose was absorbed into the cells. Treating diabetes was seen to those with insulin resistance. Their insulin sensitivity improved 34 percent and 19 percent to those with type 2 diabetes.

Taking vinegar

Though it is exciting to have vinegar in the list of natural diabetes cures, vinegar is not that easy to take straightly. It should be dissolved in water, use in salad dressing and mix with other items such as cooked vegetables or honey.

You may also take it by mixing 2 tablespoons of vinegar with a pinch of salt, put it in warm water, add honey and drink before meals to help regulate blood glucose. Enjoy!

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