Thursday, September 8, 2011

Vaccines and Insulin-Dependence in Children

There have been claims that vaccines in children have been linked to the development of insulin-dependence in children. It was presented by Classen Immunotherapies immunologist Dr. J. Bart Classen who proved that vaccines result to about 80% cases in children with diabetes.

There is an assumed knowledge that vaccines in children cause them insulin–dependence. While it is caused by an assumed infectious mechanism, studies were conducted to check if there is a possible connection between vaccination and diabetes.

With this, parents ask this question: should the children receive vaccinations? Health authorities would surely say “yes”. The vaccines just needed to be applied as recommended dosage and time. Various studies are done regarding investigation of vaccines. Though there is a need to check more of the vaccines link to insulin dependence, parents should determine some factors before letting their children have the vaccine shots: how dangerous is the illness, vaccine effectiveness, certain side effects and possible circumstances if choosing not to take the vaccines at all.

Type 1 diabetes has been postulated by researchers to be grown second to an immune response that it not normal and become a viral infection. The positive or negative association of childhood vaccination was considered. The rise of figures for childhood diabetics in some countries lent the association between vaccines and childhood diabetes to be positive. In a study with diabetic mice, shown Bacille Calmette- Guérin (BCG) vaccine disrupts the growth of diabetes mellitus. Majority of studies however, have not supported enough evidence to prove this association.
The some developed countries, Classen and Classen studied the occurrence of diabetes and immunization wherein infants got BCG vaccine before becoming 2 months old. However, Italy’s Lombardi and Lazio regions 6.8 and 6.5 cases respectively – the two areas had the lowest incidence rates, where BCG and pertussis vaccines are not part of vaccine schedules. Finland on the other hand, was not part of the study and it has the highest number of children’s type 1 diabetes below 15 years in 1987 to 1989 and BCG has been given to infants at birth for decades.

Conflicting studies

While proofs of the association of vaccines in diabetic children are not yet enough, other studies that proved that they are not linked are likewise not enough still. Further studies are being conducted to reach a safe conclusion.

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