Thursday, September 8, 2011

Take Time to Scrooge in Diabetes Management

Diabetics tend to scrooge at times at the course of diabetes management. Scrooging is when you think about yourself first and tend to be greedy and self-centered, traits that may sound negative yet can be converted to positive when it comes to diabetes management.

“Scrooge” when it comes to diabetes management is for diabetics to be self-centered. That is important and understandable as diabetics should think of themselves topmost when it comes to illness management. Taking care of oneself first can make him capable of taking care of the others such as family members, friends, co-workers and other loved ones.

Ebenezer Scrooge

The term Scrooge comes from the character of the 1843 novel “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens. His name is Ebenezer Scrooge - a greedy, tight-fisted and cold-hearted person who despised Christmas and anything that can give happiness to people. How is Scrooge connected to diabetes management?

Scrooge and diabetes management

When greed is applied to diabetes management, something beneficial can happen. Scrooge for diabetes management is to gear towards self-love, if that means greedy then be it. Testing blood sugar to ensure it is at a safe range is good. Other diabetes management routines that implicate “scrooge” and “self-love” are good for the patient with diabetes. Examples are proper diabetes management may help avoid abnormal glucose levels that affect your energy and mood level; follow-up care with a healthcare provider help decrease the risk of developing complications; buying diabetes supplies are good for the management of the illness; buying healthier foods are better than buying junk foods that your family members like more since you might be tempted to have them yet they are not good for you.

Airing your voice and concerns can be a form of scrooge but better diabetes management means being open to family and friends which enhances open communication such as making low blood glucose treatments available and following a specific time in eating meals daily. It also requires self-love to exercise to burn fats and keep your heart healthy.

Being scrooge in diabetes management may sound cruel. However, it is much needed to achieve the goal of a safer glucose levels and healthier living.

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