Thursday, September 8, 2011

Avoiding the Mistakes Diabetics Make

Avoiding the mistakes diabetics make means avoiding diabetes to become worse. Diabetics always enjoy the fact that the illness can be managed, making the deadly complications an impossibility.

Diabetics are not perfect. They can also fall short in managing the disease. However, avoiding the mistakes diabetics make is beneficial for one’s own health and safety. Diabetics are often taught with much information that are simplified yet powerful to get them into better diabetes management. They are also coached on things they need to do so as to avoid mistakes which consequences can be paid by an ultimate price.

Remember that good diabetes management can lead to priceless benefits and good quality of life. Some of the big mistakes patients with diabetes make and their solutions.

Mistake – Become disheartened when diagnosed with diabetes and stop living life to the fullest. Thinking that something is wrong with them, they deprive themselves of enjoyment and that is one of the mistakes diabetics make.

Solution – Diabetic lifestyle changes are not that drastic. Dietary changes are simple, healthy, rewarding and fulfilling. These can be applied gradually.

Mistake - When diagnose is not on time or the person denies it. Worse, He does nothing after the diagnosis.

Solution - Getting diagnosed is important especially if diabetes runs in the family blood, or if one is overweight, living a sedentary life, experience frequent thirst and urination. A diagnosis is needed immediately. Having early diagnosis and knowing you already have diabetes can make you cure diabetes easier and save your precious organs from complications.

Mistake – Not aware of hypoglycemia and its symptoms.

Solution – Hypoglycemia is when blood glucose is at dangerously low level. Avoid the mistakes diabetics make of not knowing it as it can be life-threatening. Hypoglycemia is one of the potential side effects of diabetes. This can be very deadly in a short period of time. Its signs are ill feeling, dizziness, sweating and nausea. The most effective solution is to dissolve 3 to 4 glucose tables to reverse hypoglycemia. These glucose tablets are cheap and can be bought from pharmacies. Diabetics should have them at their possession all the time.

Mistake – Not aware the safe range of blood glucose level, cholesterol and blood pressure.

Solution – Fasting blood glucose must be between 70 to 110 and below 145 2 hours after a meal. Getting to safety is knowing where it is so avoid the mistakes diabetic make by not knowing these critical figures. Blood pressure normal level is 130 over 80 (130/80) and total cholesterol must be less than 135 – LDL or bad cholesterol less than 100, HDL or good cholesterol more than 45 and triglyceride below 150.

Getting to safety is to know where it is. Health goals for diabetics are achievable with determination and self-love.

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