Thursday, September 8, 2011

Dealing with Type 2 Diabetes: With or Without Drugs

Type 2 diabetes – a simple yet complex disease can be managed and cured with or without drugs. It albeit requires a careful watch of blood sugar levels. Having the blood sugar go beyond or below the normal or safe range is a dangerous or even deadly situation.

Let us face it! Type 2 diabetes is an illness to watch! You just cannot play with it. It is a complex disease that can bring in more complex complications. However, it is a manageable one; it is curable. In fact, it can be cured with or without drugs.

There might be much information spread about type 2 diabetes. However, the most important information that type 2 diabetics should know is how to reverse their illness. Reversing diabetes means to cure it, by applying some measures, even without drugs. Unfortunately, some type 2 diabetics believe that everything for them has come to a stop; that they cannot do anything about diabetes anymore but just to control it. They are putting a seal on their hope and their life. They know less of type 2 diabetes healing with or without drugs.

Reversing type 2 diabetes

From a structural perspective, there are some defects that happen in the human body’s cells. The receptors of insulin which function is to be aware of the insulin and let glucose be pulled from the bloodstream to the inside of the cell are damaged.

Since there is a damage happening in the cell, there must be a way to repair and fix them. Fixing should focus on the cell receptors; so that they shall be able to pull glucose from the bloodstream again.

Since a cell is made up of protein, water, saccharides and fat; it is possible to feed it with better materials which it is composed of. Since, people with type 2 diabetes usually lack vital nutrients like omega-3s, vitamn c and e, magnesium, amino acids and water; we might as well give these nutrients to the diabetic’s body. Since the disease can be cured with or without drugs, this thing is the “without drugs” part.


The body of a diabetic is fighting toxics, oxidative stress and inflammation. Unfortunately, drugs can cause more of these that is why some diabetics health do not improve with drugs. Many have found the importance of natural healing through choice of foods. Foods like garlic, red peppers, broccoli, extra virgin oil, garlic and many more help fight oxidative stress, inflammation and toxicity.
Can type 2 diabetes be cured with or without drugs? Both of course. In the without drugs side, depending on how long the cells have been damaged, repair of the cells thru natural foods entirely can matter a lot on the diabetic’s determination to fight. If he is positive and persistent, then he has a chance.

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