Thursday, September 8, 2011

Fatal Diabetes Deceptions

There are some fatal diabetes deceptions going on. The rise of diabetes has created an industry that promotes a lucrative business. However, dishonest science and greed created a universal epidemic that good science and honesty can reverse through restoring the mechanism of the body that controls blood sugar.

Fatal diabetes deceptions are already present since the origination of diabetes classification in the 19th century when very little was known about metabolic processes and diseases. Today, increased knowledge tells us that type 2 diabetes is a failure wherein the body fails to metabolize oils and fats properly. This failure results when insulin lost its effectiveness and the body’s failure to metabolize carbohydrates. The condition becomes clearer. Each cell of the body becomes incapable of transferring glucose from the blood to its inside. As a result, the glucose then stays in the blood stream, or stored as glycogen or fat, or disposed through the urine.

Any effective program for diabetes has its goal to restore the body’s blood glucose control mechanism. Many information arise, some are just diabetes deceptions but the diabetes malfunctioning of the body’s mechanism creates devastating symptoms that make conventional treatment financially lucrative.
In 2001, more than 900,000 Americans died because of diabetes going out of control. If you are diabetic, most likely physicians would not tell you that diabetes is mostly curable. “Cure” shall not be mentioned, but “treatment”.

The financial and political influence in the medical industry

The diabetes industry today is a big community with the roots coming from the early twentieth century. In recent years, there is a success of curtailing some attempts that pointed out frauds involved in modern treatment of diabetes. Political and financial influence of the diabetes medical community weakened the original goals of government regulatory agencies (and this is one of the fatal diabetes deceptions going on) by approving ineffective, death-dealing diabetes drugs which testings are not sufficient yet. Former FDA commissioner Herbert Leonard Ley, Jr. said in a US Senate hearing commented that people think FDA is protecting them when it is not. What it actually does and what the public think are as different as night and day.
The political and financial influence in the diabetes medical community also rules the medical insurance industry. It is harder to find a group medical insurance that covers alternative medical treatments, since it mostly covers only orthodox medical treatment, which is standard in all places. It is known that there very few licensed naturopaths in the US, about 1,400 in 11 states, compared to over 3.4 million orthodox licenses in all states; allowing diabetes deceptions to stay at large. Eventually, only diabetes treatments approved by licensed practitioners are insurable which creates more money within the traditional drug and medical industry.

The medical community influence virtually controls diabetes publications since they are being paid by diabetes supplies. That is why when looking for a magazine about diabetes, look at the page first if it is not full of ads about diabetes supplies.

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