Thursday, September 8, 2011

Glutathione – the Master Oxidant

Being an effective antioxidant, glutathione or the master oxidant has a great role in curing diabetes since diabetes has something to do with lack of antioxidants to neutralize the free radicals in the body.

Glutathione for diabetes? While diabetes means the body has lots of oxidative stress or free radicals but does not have enough antioxidants to neutralize these radicals; it definitely needs the master oxidant to correct the problem . It also means that the body has low levels of intracellular glutathione or GSH. It would be better for a patient with diabetes to increase his antioxidant supplementation. Glutathione, as master antioxidant, is of course should be the first priority.
Glutathione is the most powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. Inflammation is a contributor of insulin resistance.

No other antioxidant is more important to diabetes management and even overall health as glutathione. Glutathione regulates and regenerates immune cells. It is the body’s most detoxifying agent, according to Patrick J.D. Bouic, Ph.D. co-author of the book “The Immune System Cure”.

Glutathione (the master oxidant a.k.a. GSH), occurs in body cells naturally. In fact, the GSH levels indicates the body’s state of well-being and health. Being referred to as the master oxidant, glutathione is responsible for vitamins C and E to fully function.

Glutathione benefits

Diabetes patients can benefit from high GSH levels in many ways. Foremost, it protects the cells from oxidation by its ability to stop the multiplication of free radicals in the body, thus preventing damage of the cells.

Glutathione helps control body weight. As such, it helps the body avoid obesity, a major forerunner of type 2 diabetes. Being a booster of the immune system, glutathione also helps strengthen the immune system – a benefit diabetics badly need to prevent secondary infections and complications. The master oxidant helps the liver neutralizes substances that are toxic. Toxic materials are contributing to immune response decrease.

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