Thursday, September 8, 2011

Marine Phytoplankton’s Role in Diabetes

In the past, marine phytoplankton was regarded possible treatment for diabetes. Now, it is already becoming understood that it can help in the treatment of all types of diabetes. In fact, it is a cure for both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

Today’s era has acknowledged the beneficial effects of marine phytoplankton in diabetes management. It is even regarded as a cure for both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. The best thing is it is a natural treatment that can address the main cause of the illness. Furthermore, it helps decrease the symptoms that go with diabetes. Because of being natural, no drug can equal its effects.
Patients with diabetes have high levels of glucose in the blood because of either two causes – lack of insulin (type 1 diabetes) or insulin resistance (the body does not listen to insulin. This is called type 2 diabetes). High blood sugar always makes the body prone to many infections. Type 1 diabetes treatment is to mainly add insulin to the body while for type 2 diabetes, fight obesity through diet and exercise.

Marine phytoplankton

As a natural element used to cure diabetes, phytoplankton lessens the sugar in the body’s bloodstream and treats the symptoms that go with diabetes like general malaise, thirst, appetite issues and frequent urination.
When using phytoplankton to treat diabetes, the individual should keep up the intake very carefully. Failure to do so can make blood glucose levels to rise dangerously, and that is when phytoplankton intake is being maintained improperly or when stopped abruptly.

For type 2 diabetes when insulin resistance is the issue, some membranes of the cells in the liver undergo inflammation, oxidization and toxicity. Phytoplankton fights these through its anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant component. Marine phytoplankton likewise detoxifies the cells thereby removing and solving the problem of the body’s resistance to insulin.

Marine phytoplankton therefore cures both types of diabetes – type 1 and type 2. Likewise, it boosts the immune system. The immune system repair is critical since it is the major cause of type 1 diabetes – an abnormality wherein the immune system does not recognize its own body parts and attacks the insulin-producing pancreas. Lowered immune systems are common with diabetics that is why patients have to be very careful to infected wounds, common colds and infections of all sorts.

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