Thursday, September 8, 2011

Low-Carb Desserts for Diabetics and Non-Diabetics

Low carb desserts are good for diabetics and non-diabetics alike. These are foods, supposedly sweet that can be enjoyed especially by those with “sweet tooth”, and for diabetics, without fear of blood sugar rise.

The internet has a lot of popular recipes of low-carb desserts which are good for all people who are health-conscious, not just for diabetics. Their ingredients are sweeteners with zero-carbohydrates and they are at the same time, gluten- and wheat-free.

Some yummy low-carb desserts

Here are a list of the many-favorites desserts, all are low of carbohydrates. Cheesecake, strawberry cheesecake; chocolate mousse which is chocolate-rich and intensed that even a small amount can fill or satisfy you; easy-to-prepare chocolate peanut butter fudge which requires a simple mix in a bowl and packing it in a pan, you cannot even believe how good it is; the yummy strawberry shortcake in which a basic muffin recipe can make up the base of this gluten- and wheat-free treat.

Another member of the low-carbs desserts list is the pumpkin pie which is always yummy and easy to make. Diabetics love it and it can also be in the pecan crust or a plain, baked pumpkin custard; lemon cheesecake which secret of lemon-filled but not sour is the sour cream topping; coconut macaroons composed of only 4 ingredients which you can mix, bake and enjoy with an afternoon tea.
There are sugar-free and low-carb cookies and others that are yummy such as chocolate coconut cookies, cranberry walnut, raspberry fool, peanut butter cups, miracle brownies that are delicious, healthy and with flax seeds; raspberry chiffon squares and many more.

Low-carb desserts anytime

You do not need to wait for a Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year, birthdays or any occasion to prepare these yummy but safe-to-the-blood-sugar desserts. They can be enjoyed anytime of the year.

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