Thursday, September 8, 2011

Essential Fatty Acids: Omega-3 Oils in Flaxseed, Borage and Fish

Essential fatty acids or omega-3 oils support the body’s nervous, immune, reproductive and cardiovascular systems. They are necessary in the repair and manufacture of cell membranes so that the cells shall have maximum nutrition and will be able to drive out destructive waste products.

The body needs essential fatty acids or omega-3 oils even before birth. The fetus requires sufficient supply of EFAs through its mother’s intake, and so are breast-fed babies. Children need EFAs for proper growth especially in the neural and sensory systems. Lack of EFAs can result to serious health problems like cancer, heart attacks, asthma, insulin resistance, depression, schizophrenia, lupus, quick aging, obesity, stroke, diabetes, Alzheimer’s Disease, etc.


Most people In America are omega-3 deficient. The main cause of this is the over-processed foods that they eat everyday and the most common symptom is depression. Healthy fats such as omega-3 oil are oils that the human body cannot manufacture on its own. It can only be taken from diet.
An essential fatty acid found in omega-3s are used in the formation of cell walls, making them supple and flexible, and improving circulation and oxygen uptake with proper red blood cell flexibility and function.

Flaxseed oil

Coming from seeds of the plant Linum usitatissimum, flaxseed oil has omega-3 oils which contains alpha-linolenic (ALA). The body converts ALA into docosahexaenoic acid (DHA – the one found in fish oils) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), though it is studied that sometimes the body is not so efficient doing the conversion of ALA to DHA and EPA. That is why intake of fish oil is equally necessary. Likewise, flaxseed alone, not the oil, contains lignans – a chemical that might help cancer prevention.

Borage oil

Borage (from borogo officinalis), also called “startflower” can contribute to the needed essential fatty acids or omega-3 oil. It is a 1.5 feet tall wild plant which blue flowers are star-shaped. It can be found in almost all parts of the world. anywhere in the world. It is harvested for the oil in its seeds, not for stems and leaves. Its oil is a rich source of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA).
GLA has many benefits including treatment of premenstrual symptoms such as tenderness of the breast. It maintains health of the reproductive systems and the bones, stimulates hair and skin growth and helps regulate metabolism.

Fish oil

Fish oil aids the body to stop chronic diseases like arthritis and heart disease. It also helps reduce inflammation. Note that supplements for fish oil might affect the body’s reaction to prescribed drugs. Talk to your doctor so as to adjust medications if needed.

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