Thursday, September 8, 2011

Improving Sleep for Better Diabetes Management

Having diabetes and lack of sleep are not a good combination. Improving sleep is of utmost importance for better diabetes management. Lack of sleep leads to poor diabetes management and makes blood glucose control out of control.

Diabetics should exert effort in improving their sleep habits as this contributes to better diabetes management. The link between sleep and diabetes has been proved by having a study of blacks with type 2 diabetes. These black diabetics got poor quality or little sleep and their blood glucose were worse compared to others who were well-rested. The study was in the Archives of Internal Medicine which included researcher Kristen Knutson, Ph.D., of the medicine department of University of Chicago. Knutson made a comment on the findings in a news release in University of Chicago Medical Center. It is important for diabetics to get enough sleep.

Even non-diabetics may get the risk of diabetes when they are always deprived of enough and good quality sleep.

Improving sleep

Good sleep is part of good health; and it has contributors as well. Eating healthy food, regular exercise, daily vitamins and supplements can contribute to good sleep; and take note, these are contributors to better diabetes management as well. Healthy foods are those which have lots of phytoestrogens such as vegetables and fruits, especially if the cause of sleep disorder is perimenopausal. Go for carrots, apples, cherries, oats, green beans, potatoes, peas, sprouts and soybeans.
Refrain from taking stimulants like nicotine or caffeine. This includes tea, soft drinks, coffee and chocolates. Even a small amount of stimulants can affect the sleeping condition hours later. Avoid chewing tobacco or smoking a few hours before going to bed. Better still quit smoking or chewing tobacco.

Improving sleep for better diabetes management may mean sleeping in a dark, quiet, cool room can help too. It is also advised to have a sleep routine like sleeping at the same time, having a relaxing moment, washing up, listening to music, a gentle message, reading a book, meditating are good things to do before going to bed. As much as possible, avoid naps. If your space is not comfortable, check the noise, light and temperature. Examine the bed if its firmness or softness fits you.
Avoid heavy meals. If needed, just take light snacks before bedtime. Avoid watching violent news that can stimulate emotions. Do not take alcohol late in the day. Such may cause sleep disorder like waking up in the night.

If some worries bother you, put it in a journal entry to “release” them. Drinking a glass of warm milk can contribute to good sleep too. For some, warm milk can keep them awake. See what it can do to your body.

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