Thursday, September 8, 2011

Diabetes and Underweight

We have been told that overweight and diabetes are twins. Now, a study have revealed that underweight and diabetes are twins too. Read on.

The dangers of being fat have been told over and over again, about its link to diabetes. However, new studies of Nutrition Journal revealed that diabetes can also happen if you are underweight. Thus, not only that obese people are at high risk, but also the underweights.

Five decades ago, diabetes was not a known thing. When people start to live the Western way of living like fast foods, TVs, fast-paced life – people get more weight and diabetes become popular. In the US, almost 1 out of 10 has type 2 diabetes. It could have been prevented with a healthier lifestyle. Type 2 diabetes caused by the Western style o f living results to insulin injections needs.

A study in Germany

The University of Luebeck in Germany studied 3 groups of healthy and fit young adult men for diabetes(obese, normal weight and underweight), to find out early signs of diabetes in them. They underwent “glucose clamp” procedure in a most sensitive test to find out if they someone already starts to acquire diabetes, measuring the glucose tolerance for each subject.

The obese group showed having an impaired glucose tolerance, as expected and on their way to type 2 diabetes in a few years time. More surprising was that the same result was true to underweight men! Both overweight and underweight groups of men showed signs that they are heading to a life of blood sugar tests, carbohydrates counting and tablets for diabetes.

Safest Body Mass Index (BMI)

What is common between overweight and underweight?
While health promotions by the government are made for the public to curtail the appetite for sweets, chocolates and cakes, this research prompts us that there is another thing we should avoid and be scared of – being skinny! This research concludes that a BMI of 20-25 is best for reducing health problems risk. Thus, be in the normal weight all the time. Befriend your weighing scale and check your weight regularly and make necessary adjustments.

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