Monday, April 23, 2012

Diabetes Diet: Have These Three Foods in Your Diabetic Diet Plan

Diabetes diet is composed of healthy foods that even non-diabetics can take. The diabetic diet plan is a guide so the patient with diabetes will never go astray of the choosing the foods to take.

For the sake of health, diabetics should learn to live with diabetes diet and strictly follow their diabetic diet plan. There are foods that are body-friendly so that you can have them daily without fear of adverse effects on your body as these foods can help put the blood sugar levels to safe range.


Take starches as they are the source of energy. The body converts starch to sugar which will fuel the cells for energy. Starches provide carbohydrates, minerals, fiber and vitamins to the body. Go for whole grains as its fiber content can slow down digestion and helps in the control of blood sugar. Whole grains are brown rice, whole-wheat bread, air-popped popcorn, whole-wheat pasta, millet, barley, whole-grain cereal and oatmeal. Diabetes diet may also have whole grain crackers, graham crackers and rice cakes as well as putting these in the diabetic diet plan.


Fruits are where the fiber, vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates are. The carbohydrates in fruits greatly affect blood sugar. People with diabetes can eat fresh fruit everyday, and not fruit juice as the latter can spike blood glucose levels. The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disorders advised diabetics to eat the fruit rather than drink the juice.

Vegetables and Fats

Vegetables and fats are essential for the body’s health. Diabetics should eat vegetables everyday as part of their diabetic diet plan. Go more for orange and green colored veggies as part of diabetes diet or diabetic diet plan. They are most loaded with beneficial vitamins and must be taken most often. These include kale, broccoli, carrots, mushrooms, asparagus, cabbage, tomatoes, peppers and zucchini.

Good fats sources are salmon, olive oil, almonds, peanuts, walnuts and vegetable oils.

To give you further and sure assistance, please consult your doctor, dietitian or any health professional for the best-tailored diabetic diet plan.

Coping Up: Live with Diabetes Normally

Having diagnosed of diabetes, it is a must that the patient will be coping up and live with diabetes normally. It is important to have presence of mind, positive attitude and sense of responsibility so diabetes is easier to live with.

Coping up with diabetes is extremely important in order to manage and control the disease well enough. Live with diabetes normally with presence of mind, positive attitude and sense of responsibility. Diabetes may not be cured but it can definitely be controlled; and it should be controlled whether you like it or not so that it will not bring further damage to the body and will not lead to other diseases nor complications.

When you are diagnosed with diabetes, and will start to live with it, you may think that your life is spinning around meals schedule and monitoring of the illness. These can appear extremely stressful most especially for parents caring for diabetic kids or teens.

Diabetes does not end our world. Coping up can be simple. Learn to live diabetes normally by treating it like an additional responsibility. It is similar to having an additional child or an additional car that you need to take responsibility for; and the rewards? Health and a more fulfilling life.

The things that are required to a diabetic patient to do, are actually the things that should be done by everyone to live a healthy life.

For patients with diabetes, it is of topmost importance that they monitor their glucose levels, watch over the food they eat, perform exercise regularly, keep cholesterol and hypertension levels in control and try to avoid stress.

It is also important for diabetics to take extra care of their skin, eyes, feet, teeth and gums. Even without the need of coping up with diabetes, or for those who do not need to live with diabetes normally, these are still needed to be taken cared of.

The skin, feet, eyes, teeth and gums are body parts that are most susceptible to be damaged by diabetes. Practicing proper hygiene is important to the skin and the feet. These should always be cleaned by washing and keeping dry to avoid sores.

There really are a lot of ways to manage and control diabetes. Living with diabetes is practically simple if you are an innate optimist. Just treat it like a companion that you are responsible of taking care of.

American Diabetes Association Diet Plan

The American Diabetic Association and American Diabetes Association developed six exchange food lists to be included in the diet plan of diabetics. It may not easy to follow but the delicious recipes might help.

Below are some of the contents of the list by the American Diabetes Association for a variety of choices for a healthy diet plan.

For appetizers you may have avocado dip, apples with dip, Crispy potato skins, Eggplant with toasted spices, fresh fruit kebabs, fresh spring rolls with shrimp, Grilled pineapple, Sweet and spicy snack mix and white bean dip.

For beverages, have Fruit smoothies, Orange dream, Sweet ginger tisane and Watermelon-cranberry agua fresca.

For bread recipes: Apple corn muffins, Best honey whole-wheat bread, Buckwheat pancakes, Carrot and spice quickbread, Cinnamon rolls, Irish brown bread, Morning glory muffins, Muesli breakfast bars, Pumpkin-hazelnut tea cake
Raspberry chocolate scones, Rhubarb pecan muffins, Southwestern cornmeal muffins, Three-grain raspberry muffins and Whole-grain buttermilk biscuits.

The American Diabetes Association also have these foods as diet plan dessert recipes: Baked apples with cherries and almonds, Berries marinated in balsamic vinegar, Carrot cake, Cheesecake, Chocolate pudding pies, Creamy fruit dessert, Grapes and walnuts with lemon sour cream sauce, Grilled angel food cake, Strawberries and cream, tropical fruits with mint and spices and Warm chocolate souffles.

In your main dish recipes, you may have the following: Asian pork tenderloin
Asparagus, tomato and red pepper French bread pizza, Baked macaroni, Baked oatmeal, Baked salmon with Southeast Asian marinade, Broccoli, Chinese fried rice, Chinese noodles with spring vegetables, Cinnamon French toast, Lasagna, Oriental chicken with braised pineapple ring, Roasted salmon, Rolled ham and Swiss omelet, Stuffed eggplant, Thai crab cakes, Tuna steak sandwiches and Vegetarian kebabs.

The American Diabetes Association have these foods for the salad recipes diet plan: Apple salad with figs and almonds, Citrus salad, Crab salad, Cucumber pineapple salad, Mango tango salad, Tuna pasta salad, Warm coleslaw with honey dressing, Warm potato salad, Yellow pear and cherry tomato salad.

For sandwich recipes: Chicken and coleslaw wrap, Tuna salad sandwiches and turkey club sandwich.

For Sauce and dressing recipes: Lemon or lime glaze for chicken, fish or vegetables, Orange basil vinaigrette and Vegetable salsa.

For Side dish recipes: Black bean cakes, Chinese-style asparagus, Eggplant with toasted spices, Garlic mashed potatoes, Roasted potatoes and sweet carrots.

For Soup recipes: Carrot soup, Chicken adobo soup with bok choy, Creamy asparagus soup and summer vegetable soup.

The Amazing Contents of Salmon

Looking closely at the contents of salmon, you will really come to appreciate this food item. Salmon is amazingly rich in omega 3 fatty acids – one that helps our brain and heart function efficiently. It also has selenium for healthy hair and nails; as well as protein and a lot of vitamins all in one food item.

The contents of salmon are very good for the body that it is recommended to be taken regularly. Salmon is the best source of omega 3 fatty acids. Fatty acids or omega 3 is so important to our body because it prevents heart disease and helps our brain function properly, it improves concentration and can aid us in staying focused for a long time. That is why it is sometimes called the “brain food”. Another important content of salmon is selenium, which is proven to help in the health and growth of nails and hair.

Like most fishes, salmon is high in protein. It energizes the body and keeps the blood runs smoothly like a well-oiled machine. Not only that, the contents of salmon includes vitamins like A, B6, B12, D, magnesium, phosphorous, calcium and iron. That is credited to salmon’s meaty flesh that is thick and close to its stingy long bones.

The vitamins and nutrients in salmon collaborate to regulate the blood glucose levels, enabling the sugar to be absorbed to the bloodstream efficiently, making metabolism under control and helping prevent obesity.

Fortunately, Mother Nature abounds in salmon. Thus, it is not an endangered specie nor a treasured marine friend that is presently over fished. They are plenty and reproduce astronomically, needing no farming at all. Being abundant of them is a priceless gift of the world especially these days when heart, blood circulation-related, liver and kidney problems are rampant.

With such amazing contents of salmon, you can eat it as regularly as you can to boost your heart health and general health. Salmon tastes great too no matter how you prepare it and will not ruin any of your diet plan or weight-loss programs. It gives us good cholesterol and helps get rid of bad cholesterol.

It is really amazing how a delectable food item can be as wonderful as this!

Advance Diabetes Care: The Strip-Free Testing Device

A strip-free glucose meter device is a good for diabetes care as it solves some testing issues among diabetes patients; such as waste disposal and convenience. For diabetics, testing device system such as the blood glucose meter is an essential equipment to monitor their blood sugar levels; and how well have they managed the disease.

The new technology of strip-free testing device gives way to a new era in diabetes care. The blood glucose meter might be fairly small, but it informs the diabetic of his sugar level, thus helping him manage his diabetes or make up his mind about the right medication, practice and application for him.

Blood glucose meters usually need test strip that it uses only once. The test strip is thrown away after use so the patient needs a lot of strips for his blood glucose meter.

Blood glucose self-monitoring is not easy for everyone to adopt. Patients do testing which frequency is less than what is recommended of them because they may lack time, find it complicated to handle test strips, or they merely wish to be discreet. They may like this new strip-free testing device and will improve their self diabetes care.

The patients who fail to glucose test in line with the guidelines of management goals and healthcare professionals are increasing their risk of complications and hypoglycaemia.

Recently however, a new technology has been introduced, the strip-free technology which is indeed a breakthrough as it breaks down the barriers of glucose testing.

The new strip-free meter fits high-frequency users whose lifestyles are super busy. It uses a distinctive cassette concept and a continuous tape which is good for 50 tests and a sole drum having six lancets. Both the continuous tape and lancets are approved wastes of the household. The strip-free device is a big improvement in diabetes care and simplification of the testing process for patients. This eliminates the need for single lancets, single test strips and sharp bins for patients.

Brett Lewis, Diabetes Care Director at Roche said that the revolutionary cassette-based system paves new standards in blood sugar testing, eliminating worries over issues like disposal of wastes. The new test device has a comprehensive feature with a five-second test time, with only 0.3µl volume of blood needed and strip-free. It is indeed a clear step advance in diabetes care.

The strip-free glucose testing device has 500 test memory plu 7, 14, 30 day averages; requires no coding, has data which is downloadable to Excel and an approximately five seconds measuring time.

Is Soda Safe for Diabetics?

Since soda is a very common and handy beverage, chances are people take it frequently, even those with high blood sugar. The question is, is it safe for diabetics? Read on.

High Glucose Levels

Diabetics already have too much sugar in their bloodstream. Soda is definitely not safe for diabetics. If they drink soda, they put themselves to greater risks for high glucose. A can of soda has about 15 tbsp. of sugar or more that can cause a great spike in the glucose levels. According to, taking more than one can of soda daily can cause diabetics significant damage which may result to diabetic coma.

Therefore, diabetics should refrain from drinking soda and other beverages containing high sugar mainly because they can cause problems quickly.

Patients with diabetes who drink soda daily risk themselves of developing hyperosmolar syndrome. Most of the sodas have lots of sugar, sugar substitutes and corn syrup which are difficult to be converted to energy. These contents of soda are not safe for diabetics. They shall result to large amounts of sugar to remain in the blood and become paste-like and thick. Hyperosmolar syndrome can result to diabetic coma, as it causes the body’s inability to drain the fluids out, according to This can be a potential life-threatening state especially for those who have diabetes. Sufferers should consult their medical doctor immediately.

Delayed healing

Soda can also cause delayed healing of the wounds in diabetics. Its high content of sugar makes it hard to be processed. So the glucose levels are elevated, causing current cuts and wounds on the skin to be fed by bacteria; and poor blood circulation causes the cuts to be open longer. That is why soda is not safe for diabetics. Thicker blood is harder to be removed and elevated sugar prevents healing; and can lead to a need of amputation.

Diet Soda

Diet sodas do not have much sugar that can endanger diabetics. However, its artificial sweeteners may cause confusion to the brain, leading to hunger and cravings. This can lead to consuming a lot of carbohydrates that are sugar in themselves.

Though diet sodas are not directly sweet, they may have indirect adverse effects especially for diabetics. Further studies are still conducted to prove if diet sodas are safe for diabetics or not. Some health professionals do recommend to refrain from them just the same.

Natural Ways to Balance Glucose Levels

Here are some of the easy-to-apply natural ways to balance glucose levels. Balancing blood sugar is the main concern for the health conscious and diabetics especially. To do so, we should not just rely on medication and treatment but must also do our part.

Balancing the glucose levels is the theme of diabetics. Fortunately, there are a lot of natural ways to balance glucose levels which are easy, simple and doable.

When you eat something, your intestines and stomach break the food and convert it to glucose. This glucose is needed by the cells for energy, but for the cells to use them, they need the help of insulin. With diabetes, there can be short of insulin production or the body is resistant to using insulin, particularly because of excess fats. So glucose stays in the blood, pancreas secretes more insulin until it gets tired and gives up. That is when diabetes occurs.

To help yourself and your body stay healthy, you can do the following which are just some of the natural ways that can help balance glucose levels:

Eat often, eat small

The body processes better if the food comes in small amounts. It is easier in the pancreas, intestines and digestive enzymes. It may vary in individuals, but you may eat 4 to 6 meals a day, of 400 to 600 calories each depending on your caloric intake. Eat every four hours, at least.

Increase water consumption

The body is fed much of water. To be dehydrated is dangerous, as it is difficult for the blood, which carries glucose and insulin.

Involve your muscles

The muscles are the consumers of glucose. Being physically active make the muscles utilize glucose and coerce the body to be insulin sensitive. Physical activity or exercise is one of the effective natural ways to balance glucose levels.

Make sure you get off belly fat

If you are male, below 40 inches belly circumference is safe. For female, below 35 inches. Belly fat can increase insulin resistance and heart disease. It can increase dramatically under high stress because of the release of cortisol from adrenals. Exercise, relaxing baths, meditation and massage can help you de-stress.

Monitor your thyroid

Your thyroid and pancreas have a link between them. If your thyroid is not properly working, chances are your pancreas is suffering some imbalance which can lead to insulin resistance. Check your thyroid regularly.

Laugh more

An old adage says that laughter is the best medicine. There was a study where 19 diabetics attended a lecture on one day and a comedy show on the next day, after meals. It was found that their blood glucose levels were down on the day of the comedy show than the lecture day. Thus, a good way to lower glucose level is to laugh a bit.

How Ginseng Can Help Diabetics

There are studies which found that ginseng are good for diabetics. The studies were done in United Kingdom, Canada and United States. So far, the researches conclude that ginseng, which have been used by Chinese people for many years, can also play a big role in Western medicine.

There are two new studies which suggest that the red ginseng herb may help normalize the levels of blood sugar in diabetic patients. In one study, patients with type 2 diabetes who consume pectin-like fiber with high viscous and ginseng have notable decrease in blood glucose levels as reported by Alexandra Jenkins, a candidate of PhD of University of Surrey, United Kingdom.

The study had 30 diabetic patients with whom medication taken helped them control blood sugar, but did not help in normalizing the glucose levels. The participants were given three times daily for 12 weeks, either capsules which contents were ginseng grown in North America or placebo.

After four weeks, the participants were switched. Those who received ginseng capsules took placebo and those who received placebo took ginseng. Blood samples taken after each break from diabetics showed that glucose levels of ginseng takers became more normal, but not during the time when they took placebo.

The herbal preparation appeared to be safe, with no adverse effects, but when beyond medication, it can be unsafe. Chinese people who apply ginseng to cure various ailments have been doing so for 5,000 years. Just like acupuncture, ginseng can have a role in Western medicine.

Korean ginseng

Another PhD candidate from University of Toronto, John L. Sievenpiper studied Korean ginseng’s role in improving insulin sensitivity, as compared to placebo. He said that ginseng appeared to aid the patient to process the insulin better.

Ginseng can be good especially for type 2 diabetics. Kaufman, head of Center for Diabetes at Children’s Hospital, Los Angeles said there is no doubt that natural herbs like ginseng can be effective in correcting the body’s defective reaction to insulin.

A research published in the Archives of Internal Medicine shows that one specie of ginseng at least may have therapeutic value. In the study of University of Toronto, having American ginseng before meals appear to cause significant reduction to blood sugar, diabetics or non-diabetics alike.

Diabetes and Atkins Diet: The Atkins Diabetes Revolution

Let us see how diabetes and Atkins diet can go hand in hand in managing blood sugar. The typical therapy for diabetes are drugs and a good diet of carbs and sugar. Many have known that limiting carbs, especially grain and refined sugar is an effective solution of preventing and managing type 2 diabetes.

Diabetes and Atkins diet can go hand in hand to achieve best health results. One of the more famous diets these days is Atkins Diet. This diet focuses more on lean protein and low consumption of carbohydrates. Atkins Diet can bring a substantial weight loss in a short period. It consists of four phases: Induction, On-Going Weight Loss, Pre-Maintenance and Lifetime Maintenance.

The Atkins Diabetes Revolution mainly has exclusive levels of meal preparation and carbohydrates intake. It begins with 20 grams every day, increasing to 40 then 60 grams every day. Dr. Atkins popularized the relationship of insulin and overweight.

Stage 1: Induction

In the first phase, the consumption of some lean fats and carbohydrates is very limited, 20 grams or lower. It helps patients with diabetes and individuals who are addicted to sweets, or those who are obese to reduce weight. Atkins diet also helps those who still do not have diabetes, reduce the risk of having diabetes. The limitation of carbohydrates in this phase
can lead to the state of ketosis, meaning the body burns its stored fat as fuel because of the absence of incoming glucose.

This phase mainly consists of high protein like chicken, fish, preferred vegetables and eggs. Carbs particulary pasta, sugar and bread are limited. Even nuts and fruits should be refrained.

This stage lasts about two weeks and can significantly change your metabolism. Exercising fair enough is important too.

Stage 2: Ongoing Weight Loss

This fits those with diabetes well. Atkins diet in the second phase, lets healthy carbs come in like vegetables and fruits. Whole grains are added in small quantities. It gradually introduces selected foods such as fruits, vegetables and nuts with the aim of still reducing weight.

The body continues to burn stored fats and the more balanced choice of foods allows a much wider meal variety. The patient should continue educating himself/herself of Atkins theory and keep in mind that his weight loss goal is 10 lbs.

Stage 3: Pre-Maintenance

This phase is for balancing carbohydrates, the stage where one accomplishes his normal and ideal weight. This can take maybe more than a few months.

Stage 4: Lifetime Maintenance

Just like the lifetime health maintenance especially those with diabetes, Atkins diet is meant to be followed forever. The patient should live a life of the ideal or standard weight which is a healthy weight.

Atkins Diet meals are fresh, lean and delectable. It makes becoming active and healthy easier to achieve.

How Mediterranean Diet Can Help Diabetes

Mediterranean diet is one of the versatile diet plans. Mediterranean diet can help diabetes if is applied religiously. It is versatile because it has a lot of entries, and a variety at that. Some people find it easy and practical.

The Mediterranean diet can help diabetes too because just like any diet, it helps the person on track of balanced foods and maintain a healthy weight. It is more famous for those who love sea foods. This diet plan mainly consists of fish or shellfish as a primary source of protein; together with legumes. Mediterranean diet is also known as rich in whole grains and vegetables and low in red meat. The red meat is replaced with poultry or fish.

Cooked and raw vegetables are plenty in this diet as well as desserts of spiced and fresh fruits served in the evening meal. Natural vegetable oils such as found in avocado, and olive oil are the primary sources of fats in the Mediterranean diet. It can help diabetes since it avoids animal fats, margarine and butter. Some have lean red meat as an option, albeit it should be strictly kept to minimum.

Since the Mediterranean Diet has a wide variety of entries, it is easy to follow and is not a boring diet. The regional flavoring and spices added keep the meals from being bland and repetitive. Thus, losing weight with Mediterranean Diet is easier.

Eating a Mediterranean Diet may help type 2 diabetics keep their illness under control even without drugs. Many people find this diet as better than a typical low-fat diet.

Mediterranean and low-fat diets

A study in Second University of Naples, Italy showed that type 2 diabetics who adapt Mediterranean Diet are doing better. It really can help diabetes with a lot of vegetables, whole grains and fats from olive oil are better in managing diabetes even without medications than those who ate low-fat diets.

The study was of two groups – one group took Mediterranean diet and the other took low-fat diet. After four years of studying, researchers found that only 44 percent of people on the side of the Mediterranean diet ended up requiring medications for diabetes compared to the 70 percent on the low-fat diet followers.

Healthy Diabetes: Rebuild Your Immune System

If you are a diabetic can still have healthy diabetes if you manage the disease well. It is also better if you rebuild your immune system most especially if you are type 1 diabetic.

Have a healthy diabetes. Rebuild your immune system. As we know, a weak immune can cause trouble to someone’s health. That is just so since it is the body’s defense mechanism against external attacks that can cause sickness and damage to the body.

The immune system deficiency causes some body abnormalities including type 1 diabetes. While some research are still ongoing on how to strengthen the immune system through medical or clinical procedures, there are some of the more practical, easy and accepted ways to do so. The following are some of those:

Drink a lot of water every day, at least 64 ounces or eight glasses. Water is a main ingredient of the body’s fluids. It aids the kidneys and liver to function properly – flushing out the harmful impurities. Have healthy diabetes by rebuilding your immune system with water. Dehydration can bring adverse effects to the immune system, and at some levels, can be deadly.

Practice a healthy diet intake. Nutrients from good food contribute to the body’s health. Some of these good foods are whole grains, oats, whole wheat bread, flax seed, steamed or raw vegetables especially those that are dark green and fruits particularly berries and the citrus varieties.

Eliminate unhealthy foods. Some of these are white or refined sugar, caffeine, animal fats, alcohol and trans fats.

Quit smoking or never smoke at all. If you are a smoker, no matter how hard it maybe, you need to quit. You can never have a healthy diabetes with smoking. Rebuild your immune system by quitting smoking. Cigarette chemicals are very harmful indeed to the immune system.

Have a regular exercise. A physical activity like climbing stairs, brisk walking, scrubbing the kitchen or jumping rope are exercise in themselves. Do your exercise for at least 30 minutes a day. The point is your heart rate must increase for a certain amount of time.

Rest, avoid stress and relax. Stress is one of the major culprits of weakening the immune system. If you have a stressful job and you cannot do anything about it, do some de-stressing activities like taking a hot bath, taking a walk, getting a massage or reading a book. Healthy diabetes is having enough sleep. Good sleep is important to rebuild your immune system. Make sure you sleep seven to nine hours during the night so that tackling your day can be easier and will not cause you irritability and exhaustion.

Include vitamins C and E in your intake. Vitamin C helps promote the production of white blood cells. The latter are good in fighting out infections and surface-coat the cells to prevent the entrance of viruses. Some vitamin C sources are papaya, guava, orange and strawberries.

Vitamin E aids promote the production of cells which destroy bacteria, germs and cancer. Vitamin E lowers the risk of heart disease. It can be found in grains, vegetable oils and seeds.

Have a healthy diabetes by taking some lean protein because they have amino acids which are the building blocks of the body. They are good too for you to rebuild your diabetes. They increase white blood cells count. The more white blood cells one has, the stronger his immune system becomes. Lean protein are good quality. They come from eggs, turkey, chicken, beans, lentils and omega-3.

Beta carotene is an anti-oxidant that can make the immune system stronger. It triggers the production of cells that can kill infections. Take beta carotene sources like spinach, carrots and sweet potatoes. Beta carotene can lower cancer and rheumatoid arthritis risks. It is especially important for elderly people.

Other foods good for the immune system are garlic, yogurt and lemon.

Diabetes in Infants: Can Infants have Diabetes?

Diabetes in infants is possible. The more difficult part of their diabetes is that infants cannot express how they feel, nor give out complains, as they still cannot talk. However, the signs and symptoms of diabetes in adults are the same with the symptoms that they can have.

Yes, diabetes in infants can happen. Some very important signs that the infant have diabetes are excessive drinking and excessive urination (which brings in more wet diapers). These conditions are polydipsia and polyuria respectively. The infant still loses weight even if his eating habits are normal. The slower healing of sores can be obvious, with dry and itchy skin. The infant may not display blurry eyesight immediately but can give signs of hunger and fatigue (thus, he may sleep more than usual). In some infants, there can be a velvety dark rash on the neck, or tingling in the feet.

Infants should be examined immediately especially when already showing signs and symptoms of diabetes. Examination can be done by simple urine and blood tests to determine diabetes in infants. Exam results can be fairly fast, like a few minutes or a few days.

Type 1 diabetes, an immune system-related disease can be most of the types infants can develop. It is when the beta cells of the pancreas cannot produce insulin because the immune system mistakenly regards it as an enemy, thus attacking or destroying it. The lack of insulin makes the sugar stay in the blood, making the latter loaded with sugar, which brings many harmful effects.

Type 2 diabetes or resistance to insulin, affects the liver, muscle and fat by them not able to effectively process insulin. Insulin production is enough, but the body does not listen to insulin properly. This holds true with diabetes in infants.

Type 1 diabetes is most likely the one that affects the infants. Consult the pediatrician immediately who can diagnose the infant and give you valuable information on the best ways to manage diabetes in the baby.

It is worthy to know the risks. Type 1 diabetes affects one of every 400 – 600 children as reported by National Diabetes Information Clearing House. Non-Hispanic, white children are most susceptible. Albeit genetics plays a major role, infants with no family history of diabetes may still be hit.

Since infants have high metabolism, they can get dehydrated easily. Contact the infant’s pediatrician if he shows the following: sweating, crankiness, trembling, bluish fingers or lips and paleness. These can be signs of hypoglycemia.

Diabetes Complication: How to Avoid Glaucoma

Eye disorder is one of the diabetes complications. You sure do not want to have a blurry vision or be blind in addition to your diabetes. So make sure to avoid glaucoma especially if you are already diabetic.

Glaucoma, a kind of eye disease is one of the diabetes complications. If you are already diabetic, make sure you know how to avoid glaucoma.
High blood sugar can cause eye disorder like glaucoma. Glaucoma is caused by the damage of the eye’s electric wire (optic nerve) because it is pressed by extra fluid. The situation causes damage to the eyesight.

To avoid or remedy glaucoma, see that your blood sugar level is within 90 to 130 mg/dL before meals and less than 180 mg/dL one hour or two hours after meal.

You may use eye drops that are prescribed by your doctor as there are a lot of types of eye drops. There are eye drops that reduce the fluid production in the eyes, others give the eyes moisturizer. Eye drops may help avoid diabetes complications on the eyes and can be useful to avoid glaucoma. Generally though, eye drops help lower the pressure at the back of the eyes which glaucoma brings in.

Do not expose yourself to sports that can lead to eye injury. Some eye injuries might lead to glaucoma immediately or some time later. Boxing and baseball are the most common in causing eye injuries and glaucoma.

Have regular eye check-ups to monitor your eyes’ health. If you have diabetes, hypertension and heart disease, you are more susceptible to glaucoma. Frequent eye exams help early detection of glaucoma and early medication matters to avoid general damage to the eyes. If you are aged 18 to 60, avoid diabetes complication in your eyes earlier by having a complete eye exam every other year. Regular eye checkup is a useful way to avoid glaucoma. For those older than 60, complete eye exam should be done every year. For African Americans, they should start yearly complete eye exam upon reaching 30 years old.

Maintain a healthy weight. Overweight can lead to insulin resistance and the latter increases eye pressure.

Maintain a healthy range of blood pressure. Blood pressure, when high can also increase eye pressure, thus increasing the risk of glaucoma.

Give your eyes protection when you need to, like power tools when you do welding. Wear protection to prevent your eyes from being hit especially if you are diabetic. It can give diabetes complication to your eyes faster because eye damage can lead to glaucoma. To avoid glaucoma, wear protection tools.

Do not take caffeine and alcohol. According to the study by Avisar and his colleagues in “Annals of Pharmacotherapeutics”, caffeinated coffee can elevate eye pressure. Alcohol has not been proven to cause eye damage yet but healthcare professionals may suggest abstaining from alcoholic beverages as well.

Have doses of vitamins A, B complex, C and E. They can help protect your eyes. Seeds, whole grains, fresh fruits, vegetables and nuts are sources of these. Carrots and dark green leaves of vegetables are very helpful. Drinking green tea may help too.

Do not gulp a lot of liquids at once. Consume liquids gradually throughout the day.

Nephropathy: When Diabetes Hits Kidney

Diabetes can cause diabetic nephropathy, meaning kidney deterioration. It is best to manage diabetes well to avoid deadly complications. When diabetes hits kidney, health problems do accumulate.

Kidney disease among patients with diabetes is usually called diabetic nephropathy. When diabetes hits kidney, there should be some adjustments, treatments and medications to be made fast to avoid further kidney-related health problems. About 40 percent of diabetics shall develop nephropathy – a term generally used to describe the deterioration of kidney functions.

The kidneys have millions of small clusters of blood vessels that filter the waste from the blood. Diabetes can damage this fragile filtering system, which can lead to kidney illness or failure that may require dialysis and transplant.

The high level of sugar in the blood which characterizes diabetes can cause a major damage to the kidneys. The National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse (NKUDIC) gave some information on the kidneys’ function to help us appreciate its vital function and that long complication of diabetic nephropathy is avoided earlier. If diabetes is already present, never let the time come when diabetes hits kidney.

NKUDIC states that there is a need for sugar to be broken to smaller molecules so it can exit the bloodstream. If it cannot exit the blood properly, its large particles can be a poison upon entering the kidneys – damaging the kidney’s tiny filtering tubules.

Even small interruptions in the brain due to inadequate insulin release to some receptors, can already lead to disorders in the kidney. Indeed, proper functioning of the insulin in the brain is needed by the kidneys to output urine properly.

Now, let us see how diabetes gradually damage the kidneys that can lead to diabetic nephropathy. Diabetes can easily injure the tiny blood vessels of the body. When diabetes hits kidney, it damages the blood vessels of the kidneys, and the latter cannot properly clean the blood. The body shall retain more salt and water resulting to ankle swelling and more body weight. Waste materials accumulate in the blood. Urine remains in the bladder which can cause infection from the fast growth of urine bacteria that has a lot of sugar.

In the long run, the kidneys’ inability to rid off the “poisons” from the blood can cause the increase of creatinine and urea. This is known as “chronic renal failure”, “end-stage renal disease” or “end stage kidney disease” and already requires dialysis or transplant.

Exploring the Effects of Chiropractor in Diabetes Sufferers

Chiropractor which used to treat vertebral subluxations are suspected to have some other beneficial applications to treat other diseases as well. Chiropractic care is studied if it can give benefits to diabetics.

Researchers are trying to find proofs that chiropractor maybe able to give a valuable involvement to a total program of betterment to help those who suffer diabetes. Chiropractic care was focused on correcting spine misalignments, called vertebral subluxations, a condition that affects the relationship between the organs and the nervous system.

Diabetes is found to be the fifth most fatal disease in America and a growing global epidemic. Chiropractic treatment can help the spine and the joints aligned; to lessen the pain and improve circulation. Chiropractors usually deal with patients who have disorders or diseases from sciatica (back to leg pain) to diabetes; and experiencing some symptoms of such.

Each patient needs a customized chiropractic treatment plan to get the best results. Chiropractors use a lot of various techniques though there are some which are more common. Chiropractic care was thought to help adults who suffer from headaches and back pains. Current research however shows that it has other applications.

The potential for chiropractor to help patients with diabetes is vitally important since the occurrence of diabetes is rapidly increasing.

A study which was published in the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research (JVSR) highlighted the positive response to chiropractic when applied as part of an integrative care and treatment of a person with an adult-onset diabetes. Along with the chiropractic care, the diabetic also received exercise and nutritional guidance.

After a month in the program, the glucose and urine levels of the patient normalized, and it was credited to chiropractor or chiropractic care. The medical doctor who did the monitoring of his progress said the patient does not need insulin if his condition remains stable.

Further examinations, investigations and research still need to be conducted so as to answer the questions if application of chiropractic treatment can really help a patient in his difficulties in handling blood sugar. To know more about it, ask some information from your health professional.

Transfer Factor for Diabetes

Further studies are ongoing whether transfer factor can directly help patients with diabetes deal with the disease, in order to ensure the partial findings of the past that it can possibly do, even indirectly.

Transfer factor has been promoted to cure a large number of diseases, including diabetes though it has not been proven enough yet. A transfer factor is a chemical taken from a human body or animal that already had developed immunity or protection against a disease. Taken by mouth or given as shots, transfer factors for different diseases are so far done in laboratories only intended for experiments. Research wants to see if transfer factors are capable of passing the immunity to those who need it.

Transfer factors are applied to people who have infections or who have weak immune systems. The infections can be caused by viruses or bacteria causing sinus infections, influenza, bronchitis, swine flu, chickenpox, common cold, hepatitis B, fungal and yeast conditions, leprosy and some parasitic infections. Transfer factor can also be applied against diabetes, infertility, autism, systemic lupu serythematosus (SLE), chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), Alzheimer’s disease, balding and many others.

Type 1 diabetes which is an autoimmune disease signifies a disorder in the immune system but is not related to infection, a thing that transfer factor is said to be effective in fighting off. However, transfer factor offers the ability to control the immune system that responds hard; to aid building the balance as what happens with type 1 diabetes.

For type 2 diabetes, transfer factor can help in fighting against inflammations. Diabetics, either type 1 or type 2 have higher risks for infection because their bodies are incapable of utilizing glucose. The transference factors can extensively reinforce the immune system to respond faster and more efficiently before health threats come.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Sweeten Your Holidays with Healthy Sweets

Welcome this season with enjoyable events and mouth-watering food treats. As a diabetic, sweeten your holidays with healthy sweets. It is not because that you are diabetic that you should deprive yourself of enjoying the holidays.

Sweeten your holidays with healthy sweets. As it is expected to have holiday sweets, this one can be a tougher challenge for diabetics. However, taking holiday sweets is fine. Indulge in small portions of these sweets to give room for other carbs. When you can do the preparation yourself, go for sugar substitutes instead or reduce the amount of sugar in the recipe. You can add flavorings instead like cinnamon, vanilla and nutmeg.

Choose to prepare your food

Make tarts and fruit pies, instead of those loaded with fats and sugar. However, they still have to be consumed in small portions. It is always better to be in control so if possible, you may host the party or prepare the food yourself.

If you are a guest at a party

You still can sweeten your holidays with healthy sweets even if you are a mere party guest. However, it can be more challenging if you are attending a party as a guest. Being diabetic and trying to lose or maintain weight can be tough when faced with a rich buffet. In order to not ruin your diabetic regimen, make sure not to go to the party hungry. Do not lose control. Take time to inspect the food first, before taking your picks.

Go away from those that are full of sauce. Treat yourself to a little bit of many things, sweets or non-sweets. Be more conscious on the portions that you take.


Sweeten your holidays with healthy sweets in desserts. If you prepare the desserts yourself, substitute the typical fattening desserts with healthier options. For example, prepare fruit tarts or pumpkin pie instead of cakes. Decrease the amount of sugar in preparing the desserts by one-third and add other spices or vanilla extract instead. Instead of ice cream, take fat-free, or low-fat yogurt or sorbet. For cookies, use small or holiday cookies.

Good Diabetes Care May Reduce Blindness, Heart and Kidney Disease

Many studies are geared towards improving diabetes care at cheaper costs. Health professionals know that good diabetes care can lessen a patient’s lifetime risks of blindness, heart and kidney diseases, which are most common complications of the diabetic population especially among diabetic senior citizens.

It has been shown in the United States that investing to improve diabetes care in qualified health clinics is found to be worth the investment; as it will lead to reduction of blindness, heart and kidney diseases risks. Such should also be applied to all clinics worldwide as it can bring about quality improvements especially to reduce major diabetic complications. Investments on diabetes care improvement are equal to investment to develop new treatments like new diagnostic technologies or better medications and drugs.

Diabetes care in clinics

Clinics which support patients with diabetes see to it that diabetic patients receive standard care. Diabetes care includes regular blood sugar control testing, eye exams, checking blood pressure, assessment of blood cholesterol and fats as well as regular follow-ups.

Diabetes care in clinics also includes preventive treatments like ACE inhibitors and aspirin can lead to the reduction of blindness, heart and kidney disease. Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors are drugs for treating congestive heart failure and high blood pressure. Aspirin is to prevent strokes and heart attacks.

Clinical and personal diabetes care

Having diabetes care in clinics is of vital importance as well as personal care. Clinical care shall affirm the effectiveness of the patient’s personal diabetes management. Both reduce the lifetime risk of blindness, kidney failure and cardiovascular complications.

Furthermore, a longer life with fewer complications is not far from possible. After all, better diabetes care and management are all it is to avoid complications – and complications are the scariest part of having diabetes. Investing time, effort and money for diabetes care to reduce risks of blindness, heart and kidney disease is definitely worth it.

Diabetes Complication: Types of Neuropathy

One of diabetes complications is neuropathy. Diabetes neuropathy happens when the creeping of diabetes in the body’s systems causes damage to the patient’s nerves. Neuropathy comes in many types depending on what nerves are affected and what causes them.

Peripheral neuropathy

One of the diabetes complications is peripheral or sensorimotor neuropathy, the most common type of diabetic neuropathy is a condition wherein the problems of the nerve affect those outside the spinal cord and brain. These nerves compose the peripheral nervous system. Peripheral neuropathy is a neuropathy or nerve damage happening in the nerves of the extremities – feet, toes, legs, fingers, arms and hands. Some causes of peripheral neuropathy aside from diabetes are injury, toxins and infections.

Nutritionists and scientists confirmed that peripheral neuropathy is directly caused by a lack of vitamin B12.

Hereditary Neuropathy

When a nerve damage happens because of a genetically-transmitted nerve disorder usually in the hands and below the knees, then that is what you call hereditary neuropathy. Another diabetes complication, it is also known as sensory neuropathy.

Idiopathic Neuropathy

When doctors cannot pinpoint a specific cause to neuropathy, it is called “idiopathic”. This neuropathy usually affects the seniors or those who are 60 years or older. The development of this neuropathy is slow but bothersome.

Toxin-Related Neuropathy

Certain peripheral neuropathies result from exposure to toxins and chemicals (such as mercury, lead, thallium, organic insecticides, mercury and solvents). Intentional exposure, like that of drug or chemical abuse, often leads to peripheral neuropathy.

Drug-Related Neuropathy

Some medications such as HIV, AIDS or chemotherapy have peripheral neuropathy as a side effect. Thus, to stop the neuropathy, the medication should also be stopped.

Compression Neuropathy

When nerves become constrained or compacted, that is compression neuropathy. Not a direct diabetes complication, this neuropathy can be a result of inflammation or trauma such as carpal tunnel syndrome.

Nutritional/Vitamin Deficiency Neuropathy

A neuropathy caused by malnutrition, alcoholism, reduced absorptive surface and neuropathy-inducing vitamins.

Autonomic Neuropathy

Autonomic neuropathy damages the genitals, bladder and stomach where bladder can be paralyzed. Diabetics cannot feel that they are full and have the tendency to keep the urine in the body longer. Such results to urinary tract infections.

Radiculoplexus Neuropathy
Radiculoplexus neuropathy affects the nerves near the shoulders and hips. It is also called proximal or amyotrophy neuropathy.

Other types of neuropathy are cranial neuropathy (affects one of the brain’s 12 cranial nerves), focal (restricted to one nerve group), distal symmetric polyneuropathy (caused by poor glucose control), mononeuropathy (affects a single nerve usually caused by injury) and mononeuritis multiplex (damage to at least two different nerves resulting to brain disorder.

Diabetes Treatment: Diabetes Drug Spending

Sick people need medicines for their treatment. Diabetes treatment for those who are sick with diabetes are the same as the fight for diabetes control is a continuous process or even takes a lifetime. Thus, diabetes drug spending also takes longer.

For diabetes treatment, diabetics are being recommended by their health providers a lot of medicines to control their blood sugar – drugs for hypoglycemic and drugs for hyperglycemic. Diabetes drug spending sole purpose is to control glucose levels so as to live a normal comfortable life.

As diabetes grows widespread, there is a massive concern in increasing medicine cost for diabetes. Medicine consumption almost doubled. Nowadays, physicians prescribe medicines and drugs which costs are doubled than before. Research says that type 2 diabetes drugs and medicines are more expensive than before, but less effective.

Most new diabetes medications are anticipated to have units of cost more expensive than the old as some new drugs are gradually prescribed as top-of-the-line therapies. Latest injectable diabetes treatments and oral medications strike the market currently. Branded medicines will drive the costs high, which is quite a challenge for diabetes drug spending. However, the coming of generic medicines in the market helps balance the situation.

In America for example, the trend of drug or medicine utilization is more connected to the health of the citizens rather than the country’s economic changes. As the population gets older and live longer, the more chances to develop chronic diseases, and the more there is a need for drugs and medications. With this, there is an increasing number of conditions being treated with many drugs and many people become dependent on drugs to live longer.

Old people in America comprise 12.4 percent of its total population in 2000. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Administration on Aging said so. The percentage becomes 12.9 percent in 2009 and is estimated to grow by 19 percent by 2030.

Customized Diet: A Personal Healthy-Eating Plan

Diet is embodied in the lives of patients with diabetes. If you want to feel better and be healthy, you have to make a customized diet plan or a personal healthy-eating plan. That is pretty exciting as you can pick those that fit your taste and lifestyle.

Benefits from a customized meal plan

A meal plan is already pre-planned. So, you do not need to do carb- or calorie-counting every food intake. If you get used to your personal healthy-eating plan, you shall be able to know by heart the nutritional contents of foods.

Balance your diet and be conscious of the proportions if you want to feel good and stay healthy. Make your own plan. Pick the nutritious foods that suit your taste and lifestyle. There are a variety of them to choose from.

While still making your customized diet plan, make sure you spend some time. It is of utmost importance. Preparing your own personal healthy-eating plan shall increase the chances of sticking to your own inventive way to eat and that way, control diabetes.

Customized diet for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks

Design your personal healthy-eating plan for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. You may consider soy yogurt, fruits and nuts for breakfast. Soy is a protein-full but low-glycemic food. It also has healthy fats and amino acids. Nuts have fats that can lessen the risk of cardiovascular disease and other complications. Fruits like apple give antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fiber which aids slow down glucose absorption and at the same time, avoid blood sugar spikes.

For lunch, it is best to have natural or unrefined vegetables salad and sardines. Vegetables are very good because of its antioxidants, vitamins, minerals that help decrease the risk of heart diseases. Your customized diet of tuna or sardines is beneficial because the latter has high concentrated omega-3 which will improve blood cholesterol.

In your personal healthy-eating plan for dinner, you can have a cup of tomato, vegetable soup, soy burger, whole wheat bread, onions, lettuce, carrot salad and cranberries.

You can have the simple peanuts such as peanuts for snacks. It is low-glycemic and has healthy fat. You may have them without salt.

How Diabetes Can Harm Your Body

When diabetes is already creeping inside your body, you may wonder how it can harm your body. Of course, the disease can cause severe health problems. That is why it is important to know diabetes signs and symptoms; and diabetes itself as well. Consult your doctor immediately for immediate help and treatment.

When diabetes is already in your system, it can harm your body so badly. Below are some of the damages diabetes can do to your body’s organs and other parts.

Diabetes is a major risk factor of a heart disease. High blood sugar as well as high cholesterol and high blood pressure can lead to cardiovascular accident or stroke.

Blood vessel disease
Hyperglycemia or rise of blood sugar will damage the blood vessels. It can cause blockage and cardiovascular attack. Blockage of vessels in the lower extremity triggers pain and impairs circulation.

When the blood vessels are damaged, it will close off and new weaker vessels replace them. Tissues will possibly grew and deform the retina. Some type of eye diseases happen if you have diabetes. Diabetes can harm your body and your eyes particularly. It can lead to eye problems like diabetic retinopathy, cataract and glaucoma. These complications will lead you to blindness or vision loss.

Hyperglycemia will damage the kidney and lead to bladder infections as well. Kidney disease or nephropathy can cause kidney failure. Kidney disease begins when the blood vessels in the kidney leak. This leak allows the protein from the blood to be excreted with urine. If the kidney fails, the person shall need dialysis or kidney transplant.

Diabetes can cause damage to the body’s nerves. Never damage on the other hand will lead to pain and numbness.

If you have diabetes, it can harm your body and emotions too. Sometimes you feel bad and want to give up especially when you feel your energy is decreasing.

Diabetic patients can possibly lose teeth because of gum problems. Gum and teeth problems can lead to heart complications as well.

Best Drinks for Managing Glucose Levels

While patients with diabetes have to carefully pick the food to take and the beverages to drink, here are some of the best drinks or beverages good for managing glucose levels.

Diabetic people have quite a lot of foods and drinks to avoid. However, there are also a lot of best drinks that are good for them as these beverages help in managing glucose levels. Please see list below.

Water. Water is the best drink ever because it has no calories. It cleanses and rehydrates our body. Distilled water is highly-recommended since it is healthy, pure and is free of microorganisms or chemicals that accelerate aged-related problems involving the heart and nervous systems.

Fat-free or Non-fat milk. Take fat-free or non-fat milk as it helps maintain your muscles as well as manage your appetite. While you are planning a healthy plan to get the exact number of nutrients to consume, remember to include non-fat milk.

Green tea. Green tea is one of the best drinks not only for diabetics but for non-diabetics as well. It helps in managing glucose levels, losing weight and preventing cardiovascular diseases. The latter is one of the most fatal diseases caused by diabetes. Green tea helps control blood sugar levels and blood pressure. It also helps prevent kidney diseases.

Soy Milk. Soy milk is from soybeans, a legume that is rich in protein. It contains omega-3 fatty acids, polyunsaturated fats and healthy fats that improve blood cholesterol level, stabilize heart rhythm and lessen the risk of heart complication.

Pomegranate Juice. Pomegranate juice has antioxidants that can improve your health and lower the risk of heart disease.

Tomato Juice. Another best drink good for managing glucose levels is tomato juice. Tomato juice improves blood platelet activities and reduces risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Juices such as orange juice, apple juice and grape juice are also recommended but must be taken in moderation. Choose juices that do not have added sugar.

Diabetes Management: Diabetes under Control

Most likely, patients with diabetes are already well-informed of the ways for diabetes management, to put diabetes under control. Everything should be in control to be able to have a better health, better life and a big chance to survive.

Diabetes management means watching the food to eat, exercise and changing your lifestyle. Those are all it takes to put diabetes under control.

Make a meal plan

Watching the food to eat is good, making a meal plan is better. Meal plans can help you get used on the healthy foods to take and keeps you on track, rather than do the thinking and calculation on every meal. A meal plan makes it possible for the right foods to be inculcated in your brains in the long run.

Eating a balanced diet is helpful for you especially if you are diabetic. Do not eat too much food with carbohydrates because it contains sugar. Drink at least eight glasses of water or eight ounces of fresh fruit juice or low fat milk. For effective diabetes management, you should avoid eating high fat dairy products (because it has saturated fats) and processed foods. This way, you are putting diabetes under control.

Also take note of taking the right proportions.

Regular physical activities

Involving in regular physical activities at least three to four times a week will help decrease your blood sugar level. During exercise, your muscles will use glucose as energy. It also puts your blood sugar at safe levels, decreases the risk of heart disease and helps reduce your weight.

Other ways to diabetes management

Getting enough rest and sleep will help your blood glucose level in good condition.
If you smoke, you better quit it. Smoking can ruin your diabetes management. Put diabetes under control by also taking good care of your skin and foot. You have to keep them sore-free, since sores are not easily healed if you are diabetic. If you notice something unusual in your skin or foot, consult your healthcare provider immediately.

Have a goal

Find yourself a goal to keep your glucose in normal levels. Remember that your normal blood glucose level is in between 90 to 130 milligrams/deciliter before meal and within 110 to 150 milligrams/deciliter before going to bed. You have to check your glucose level from time to time, to ensure they are safe.

Diabetes Signs and Symptoms: Tips That You Already Have the Disease

People who already have diabetes never thought that the disease is already in their system. Albeit there are already a widespread of information about the signs and symptoms, people tend to ignore it. Once officially diagnosed with diabetes, it is then that they feel alarmed and shocked.

Diabetes signs and symptoms are simple but recurring. Diabetic patients usually complained of several non-precise, unexplained matters which already reveal the symptoms of diabetes.

Some of these complaints are unexplained rapid lose of weight, deep breath, tiredness or fatigue, nausea or vomiting, frequent urination, hunger and thirst, wounds that are not easily healed and feeling of crawl or irritation on skin.

If you feel the presence of these signs and symptoms, it is best to go for a checkup with your doctor or health professional. The above-mentioned signs and symptoms are not complete and comprehensive but if your healthcare provider has detected some of these, you must already be alarmed. An initial diagnosis of diabetes may help you obtain not just the assistance of your healthcare provider but the administration of proper treatment so you shall continue to stay well. After all, that is why diabetes signs and symptoms are widely-spread for early detection and treatment.

Be keen on your abdomen
Being overweight or obese can be the major reason for the development of diabetes. If you see your abdomen to be big or fat as opposed to your thighs and hips, then beware. This kind of deep fat is directly linked to insulin resistance. You should go for a diabetes test or checkup if your abdomen is 35 inches or more of circumference (for women) and 40 inches and above (for men).
Pre-diabetes can also develop when a discoloration of the skin occurs which is called acanthosis nigricans. Discoloration happens mostly in elbows, knees, knuckles, armpit and at the back of the neck.

High Blood Sugar: Signs and Symptoms of Hyperglycemia

Every person should prevent high blood sugar or hyperglycemia from occurring because such shall cause severe damage to his body. Thus, it is important to know its signs and symptoms.

Another term for high blood sugar or high glucose is hyperglycemia. High blood sugar is synonymous to diabetes; and diabetes means high blood sugar. It is important that we know the signs and symptoms of high blood sugar so we will be able to make the necessary prevention, treatment, control and management.

Frequent thirst and urination. Those who have high blood sugar always experience frequent thirst and urination. This is especially true with gestational diabetes. Gestational diabetes happens to pregnant women and usually disappears after giving birth. However, it has the big possibility to continue especially if diabetes runs in the blood of the patient or if the patient is overweight or obese.

Fast weight loss
If you lose weight rapidly and unusually, it is already alarming as it can be high blood sugar. Losing weight fast is a bad sign. It tells you that something is really wrong with your body. It might be hyperglycemia so you have to consult your physician immediately.

For gestational diabetes, you may encounter illness like nausea, headaches and vomiting. Infections may continue with regards to vaginal, bladder and skin infections.

Ideal sleeping hours should be eight hours. However, if you already sleep eight hours and still feel tired, it means your blood sugar level is not balanced.

When you are sweating severely, even if you are not active is already unusual; something that should tell you to undergo checkup and consultation.

High blood sugar may also cause craving for sweets just like candies and chocolates. It is a sign of sugar imbalance.

Energy and fatigue
Hyperglycemia reduces energy all through the day and makes one feel fatigued or tired and drowsy.

Blurred in vision
High blood sugar pulls fluids from the tissue, as well as the eye lenses. It affects your ability to concentrate.

If hypoglycemia stays longer, it leads to dehydration. Here are its other symptoms – dyspnea, dizziness, coma or unconsciousness.

How Alternative Medicine Can Help Diabetics

It is very beneficial for diabetics to know and consider alternative medicine because these medicines can also be good and effective. However, there is a need to learn more about them and be well-informed and proper coordination with the health professional on the kind, type and amount of alternative medicines to take.

Alternative medicines have been available for treating diabetics. Diabetes treatment can be traditional, complementary or alternative. The last two therapies include the disciplines applied on diet, use of psychological condition and lifestyle changes. Complementary therapy is an add-on to the usual medical care to boost the usual care.

Examples of alternative treatments that are considered to have helped in diabetes management include acupuncture, biofeedback, guided imagery, vitamins and mineral supplements; and the following are found to be helpful are tai-chi, relaxation, yoga, herbs, medical spa and the healthy foods.

Whatever alternative medicine or treatment that you wish to take or apply, weigh the pros and cons in advance, and see if they are far better than the best results of the treatment you are undergoing. Make sure you talk about use of alternative medicine with your doctor or healthcare professional before doing so. It is because for diabetics, the blood glucose is so complex that when you change your medication or treatment, you need to undergo a physical examination that will determine your current health state and the right alternative medicine or treatment to use and apply; and that if there should be some conditions that need to be compromised with the new therapy. The healthcare team shall also help in matters of the amount to be prescribed as well as other matters.

There are a lot of natural treatments being tried to treat type 2 diabetes. If you are interested to apply them, you need a close supervision of a competent health professional because when diabetes becomes uncontrollable, the results can be fatal.

Diabetes Complication: Glaucoma and Other Eye Disorder

If you were diagnosed with diabetes, you better visit your ophthalmologist for eye examination to prevent eye problems such as glaucoma. Diabetes is the primary basis of loss of sight especially in old people ages 20 to 74.

High blood glucose raises the risk of diabetes eye problems. High blood sugar levels in diabetic person cause the lens of the eyes to swell, which changes your capability to see.

Glaucoma happens when the optic nerve of the eye, which is its electric wire that transports messages to the brain what the eyes have seen, is pressed by extra fluid which damages the eyesight.

The pair of diabetes and glaucoma caused intrigues for years since diabetic patients have doubled the chance of developing glaucoma and at the same time, people with glaucoma to have diabetes is also higher than those without the eye disease.

Neovascular glaucoma, a very uncommon type is often related to some abnormalities in which patients with diabetes are the most common targets for this type of glaucoma. In cases of diabetes retinopathy, the retina blood vessels are ruined, causing the retina to produce new, but not normal blood vessels. If these abnormal blood vessels group in the iris (iris is the part of the eye that is colored), it blocks the flow of fluid in the eye and causes rise of eye pressure. Neovascular glaucoma is hard to cure, one of the options of which is laser surgery to aid lessen the abnormal blood vessels on the retinal surface and iris. Some later studies also proved drainage implants usage as another option to treat neovascular glaucoma.

Diabetic patients most likely shall have glaucoma and cataracts earlier than those who have no diabetes. These eye diseases like glaucoma show no signs and symptoms at early stages. Then the signs, when they appear include watering of the eyes, eye ache or pain, headache, unclear vision and halos around lights. The seriousness of these diabetic-related vision problems is determined by the diet, physical activity and diabetes control of the patient.

To remedy glaucoma or other eye problems, manage the blood glucose to 90 – 130 mg/dL before meals and less than 180 mg/dL an hour or two after a meal.

Diabetes and Hypertension Compete in Causing Heart Failure to Older Americans

Diabetes and hypertension have been found to be competing to cause heart failure and eventually death among older Americans. Therefore, it is highly recommended to focus on the treatment of these illnesses to avoid heart attacks and death.

About 300,000 Americans die of heart failure annually and the major causes of this are diabetes and hypertension. There has been a study conducted that resulted to the conclusion that without hypertension and diabetes, the risk of getting into heart failure disappears.

Over 4.7 million Americans have congestive heart failure (CHF) nowadays and every year, this disease occupies topmost cause of death of 250,000 people. It is realized that 1 congestive heart failure is found in 2 percent of people aged 40 to 69, beyond 5 percent of people aged 60 to 69 and in 10 percent of people aged 70 and above.

Congestive heart failure is a type of heart disease that increases its prevalence in causing deaths. CHF which is caused mainly by diabetes and hypertension, is in itself a result of poor prognosis, hospitalizations and drains a lot of Medicare budget while robbing many senior citizens the chance to enjoy their retirement years.

John Hopkins cardiologists found that genetics- and environmental-related illnesses diabetes and hypertension play a big role in developing heart failure, and not so with race.

Aside from diabetes and high blood pressure, some causes of heart failure are family history, age, smoking, gender, socio-economic factors and some other health problems. Some studies were conducted in the past to see the topmost cause of heart failure and focused quite much on race but with the absence of diabetes and hypertension, the risk of heart failure evaporates, especially among African-Americans.

Hossein Bahrami, M.P.H., M.D. – a lead researcher has a clear message to the physicians. That in order to get rid of heart failure especially among elder Americans, they should be more aggressive in treating diabetes and hypertension either by increasing the frequency of screenings or emphasizing therapies and medications. These two contributors of heart failure, which are diseases themselves should be put under control all the time.

Insulin Pen Needles for Insulin Injection

An insulin pen needle is used for insulin injection for patients with diabetes. Diabetic people who are dependent on insulin are recommended by their doctors to do the insulin injection themselves, even at their homes. That is why they need to have insulin pen needles and know how to use them for insulin injection.

To inject insulin to treat diabetes, an insulin pen is used. Insulin injections are needed by patients with diabetes. The components of an insulin pen are an insulin cartridge and a dial. The cartridge is integrated and bought separately while the dial is used to gauge the dose and is applied with disposable pen needles to inject the dose.

Insulin pens can be disposable or non-disposable. The pens of the disposable ones can be thrown away after using up the insulin.

Diabetes is a recurring disease which results from the glucose staying in the blood, instead of in the cells. The cause of the condition is either the pancreas does not produce enough insulin, or there is insulin but the body does not listen to it. Some patients with diabetes rely on insulin pen needles daily for insulin injections as a treatment of the disease. An insulin pen has a disposable needle and an insulin cartridge. The use of insulin pens for injections has its own unique and health benefits.

Insulin pens should be simple to use though teaching a patient in loading the exact amount of insulin and inject it correctly can be tiresome, stressful and time-consuming. A typical insulin pen must be easy to use in injecting insulin. To get the right technique might take about five minutes.

Insulin pen needles should help the diabetic person to ease up the injection of insulin like accurate, clearly readable, easy to use, portable, convenient and comfortable to use.

Disposable syringes and insulin pen needles come in various widths and lengths to suit all types of body to make insulin injections easy and handy. The size of the needles you choose depends on your body type. For example, short-sized needles are best fitting for diabetic children than the longer size. You should ask the help from the healthcare team on what they can recommend.

Glycemic Index and Balancing Meals

Glycemic index or GI calculates how a food containing carbohydrate increases blood sugar. This is very important in balancing meals. Foods are rated or evaluated based on their comparison to a “reference food” which is either a white bread or a glucose – low, medium and high GI.

The effects of Glycemic index (GI) of a food

To achieve the ideal glucose level, know the glycemic index of foods. In this way, balancing meals is easier. It is found that fiber and fat can lower the GI of a food. Generally, the more processed or cooked a food is, the higher its GI – ripeness or storage time, processing (that is why juice has a higher GI than whole fruit, mashed potato than baked potato, stone ground whole wheat bread than whole wheat bread), cooking food (or how long a food is being cooked) and variety (the long grain white rice that has been converted has a lower GI than brown rice and short-grain white rice has a higher Glycemic Index compared to brown rice).
It is important to plan your meals with GI. You can even use GI to do balancing meals. For example, when you take high-GI foods, you can also eat those with low GI so as to balance your meal.

Facts about GI

The value of GI stands for the type of carbohydrate in a food but has nothing to do with the carbohydrate amount eaten. For managing weight and glucose levels, portion sizes plays a big role still.

The GI of a food varies when eaten alone or if taken with other foods.
Most nutritious foods have higher GI than those which have little value. Oatmeal has higher GI than chocolate.

There is no perfect diet plan for a diabetes. Knowing glycemic index of foods can help in balancing meals. The best thing to do is follow a customized meal plan that considered personal preferences, goal, blood pressure, weight management, cholesterol and triglycerides levels to achieve the target glucose level.

Balance your meal

To be able to balance your meals, know these foods and their GI. Some foods with carbohydrates which Gis are low include legumes (such as kidney beans and lentils), dried beans, veggies that have no starch, whole grain breads, most fruits, cereals (barleys, rye bread, all-bran cereal and whole wheat bread).
Fats and meats do not contain carbohydrates.

For the Sweet-Toothed Diabetic: A Sugar-Free Chocolate Reference Guide

When you have a sweet-toothed diabetic, it does not mean you have to deprive yourselves of the sweetness of life because there are sugar-free chocolates around. There are a lot of sweet alternatives where you can make a choice of healthier sweets and chocolates or even prepare them yourself.

For the sweet-toothed diabetic: a sweet treat

Diabetics can enjoy sweets with sugar- free chocolates. These chocolates which can come in low-carb confections can be made of cocoa beans and the selected cacao beans which are aged naturally. The cacao beans are roasted and blended which allow unique and delicious smell. The ground and roasted beans can be combined with another natural ingredient to make a black chocolate or a sugar-free white chocolate. The latter has milk added to make it white. Some chocolate bars come with nuts, almonds or crispy stuff.

Indulging in healthy chocolates
Though you can enjoy these chocolates and sweets, you are free of guilt since they are made to be healthy and safe despite their being great-tasting, very ideal for the sweet-toothed diabetic. To give it a natural sweet taste, some sugar-free chocolate manufacturers use natural sweetener such as maltitol. Every chocolate manufacturer knows that the most essential component of a quality healthy sugar-free chocolate is the sweetener.


Maltitol belongs to a the bulk sweeteners family also known as sugar alcohols or polyols. Its sweet taste is very pleasant and very much the same as that of sucrose. Its 90 percent sweet like sugar, non-cariogenic and dramatically known to have the ability to reduce calories. It is noteworthy that maltitol does not promote tooth decay.

For other sugar-free chocolate reference guide, see the following: Atkins peanut butter cups, Atkins Endulge, Carbolite At Last!, Carbolite Crispy Nutrition Bar, Extend Bar Chocolate Delight, Fifty 50 Low Glycemic Chocolate Crunch Bar, Hershey’s Sugar-Free chocolates, Nestle’s sugar – free turtles and many more.

Fast-Acting Glucose or Fast-Acting Carbohydrate

Fast-acting glucose of fast-acting carbohydrate is usually applied as a treatment to people suffering from low blood sugar or hypoglycemia because it has the capability of raising blood sugar levels fairly fast when taken.

Fast acting glucose, also known as fast-acting carbohydrate is usually mentioned in discussions of hypoglycemia treatment. It has the capability to increase the sugar level in the blood that is why it is useful when the body most need it, when there is a hypoglycemia or low blood sugar level.


Hypoglycemia or low blood sugar level is generally defined as below 70 mg/dl. Its symptoms are typically sweating, trembling, butterflies in the stomach, heart palpitations, hunger, irritability or fatigue. Its severe condition leads to poor concentration, unconsciousness, drowsiness and confusion.

Hypoglycemia treatment

The treatment for hypoglycemia is a standard consumption of 10 to 15 grams of fast-acting carbohydrate. The following have about 10 to 15 grams of carbohydrates. They are fast-acting glucose or fast-acting carbohydrates: 4-6 ounces of regular non-diet soda, 5-6 LifeSaver candies, 2 tablespoons of raisins, 4 to 6 ounces of orange juice, 8 ounces of low-fat or non-fat milk and one tube or .68 ounces of
Cake Mate decorator gel.

There are also many glucose gels and tablets which are better sometimes because they are not as tempting as candies that come handy and tempting. The genuine blood sugar products are recommended by the American Diabetes Association to directly increase the glucose level into the normal level.

Hypoglycemia should be taken seriously and treated the soonest possible because if it is not treated immediately, it will get worse and the patient has the chance to black out. Those who have painted of hypoglycemia must be treated immediately too. When all is well again, make sure to eat proper food and do physical activity to avoid low blood sugar.

Diabetes Increases Rate of Cardiovascular Disease

Patients who have diabetes are inclined to increase cardiovascular disease or get into strokes at an early age than other individuals. If you are diagnosed of diabetes, you are in danger to have heart disease and the most-dreaded deadly stroke.

Diabetes definitely can lead to cardiovascular diseases. Cardiovascular disease and hypertension can be hereditary or genetics. This means if one or more of your family members have it, you have the possibility to have it too since it runs in your blood.

The risk of heart disease and stroke is at least doubled compared to the one who has no diabetes. A middle-aged person with type 2 diabetes has a chance of having a heart attack as high as the person who had already experienced heart attack.
Women who have not gone menopause yet have less risk to heart disease than men of the same age. However, diabetic women have a high risk of heart disease because diabetes cancels out the protective effects of being a woman in her child-bearing years.

For people with diabetes and who are proned to cardiovascular ilnesses, high sugar levels eventually will lead the way to increase the deposits of fatty substance on the interior part of the blood vessel partition. This deposit can have a bad effect blood stream and block and solidify the blood vessels (atherosclerosis).

Patients who have diabetes are inclined to increase heart disease or get into strokes at an early age than other individuals.

You cannot change genetics for having diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular diseases running in your family:

Avoid central obesity

Central obesity means having extra weight around the waist opposing the hips. Waist measurement should be 40 inches or less for men, and 35 inches for women. More than those figures indicate central obesity already, even without diabetes yet. The risk of cardiovascular disease is higher since the fats in the abdomen increase LDL or bad cholesterol production. LDL is a blood fat which can be stored inside the blood vessel walls.

Do not smoke

Smoking makes you double the risk to cardiovascular diseases. It is important to stop smoking if you want to avoid its harmful effects, and most especially if you have diabetes. Both smoking and diabetes can tighten the blood vessels. For diabetics, smoking increases complications like eye problem, damage leg blood vessels and increase the danger of amputation.

The Big Combination of Obesity and Diabetes

Obesity or overweight does not only destroy your figure, but destroy your health. It is best to maintain normal weight to stay healthy. Your efforts of staying in normal weight not only make you look better but help you live longer.

Eating unhealthy foods basically leads to more weight. Gaining more and more weight can lead to obesity or overweight, and this creates a big adverse impact on your body as it can lead to diabetes.

How obesity can damage the body

Obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes are recognized as metabolic disorders. Overweight is the major cause that leads you to diabetes. It has been properly recognized that overweight promotes resistance to insulin. Being overweight not only can lead to diabetes but to cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, stroke and certain cancers as well.

Similarly enough, about 80 to 90 percent of people with type 2 diabetes are overweight. Such information gives a fascinating sign to the overweight-diabetes pair. Presently, it has been found that obesity, overweight and diabetes threat the health, safety and economic welfares of many countries of the world. About 150 million people on earth already suffered from diabetes while more than 300 million are expected to become overweight.

The benefits of normal weight

It is also noteworthy that not only obese people develop diabetes. Insulin resistance, which characterizes type 2 diabetes also happens to the non-obese population. People with poor or improper diet and no physical activity are prone to have type2 diabetes even though they are not over weight, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture.

There are also studies that even the underweight population can also develop diabetes. This thing called diabetes really challenges people to live a healthy lifestyle and be more keen on the food intake. Underweight, overweight, obesity and diabetes are just mere descriptions of imbalance and uncontrolled lifestyle and diet. Maintaining a normal weight has its short term and long term benefits. Short term – you look better. Long term – you live longer.

Diabetes and Hypertension in African-Americans

Diabetes is a common disease in African-Americans. History and the records tell us that. Also, African Americans have the tendency to have hypertension. So, these diseases – diabetes and hypertension are just very common to them.


The diabetes that is prevalent in African-Americans usually is caused by genetics and obesity. As we know, this illness can lead them to more serious conditions like hypertension, kidney problems, heart diseases, eye disorder and many others that can lead to strokes, heart accidents and death.

Sodium and salt

Sometimes it is speculated that a gene of the African-American race has made them more responsive to salt. In fact, they similarly have high rates of cardiovascular disease and obesity which put them at greater risk for high blood pressure and diabetes respectively.

Now, most sodium come from salt or becomes present through food processing. Foods with sodium are chicken, pasta, condiments, salad dressing and some more. Adding salt when cooking foods provides a portion of African-American intake of sodium. Being aware of their risk factors to diabetes and hypertension, African-Americans demand a cut down or elimination of sodium content as they are sensitive to salt. So, the African Americans use the unprocessed foods and no-salt foods. In cooking their foods, they are using herbs and spices as a replacement for salt. They are experimenting and testing different kinds of herbs and spices combination that will bring out the greatest taste for the dish. They also follow DASH diets which help to lower the blood pressure.

High blood pressure

High Blood pressure is a disease that contributes additional damage to the heart and intensifies the risk for a stroke, cardiovascular accident, kidney disease, heart failure and early death.

Other diseases in African-Americans

Diabetes and hypertension are not the only common diseases in the African-American community, but other illnesses as well. Though, there have been not much proof, it is credited to their racial background and their records of enduring sufferings in the past.

Older Adults with Depression More Likely to have Diabetes

Seniors must be careful. It has been found out in studies that older adults with depression are more likely to develop diabetes than those who have no depression. The longer the depression has been staying, the bigger the possibility.

Some older people who have experienced depression are most likely to develop type 2 diabetes. Along with depression comes trouble in sleeping and irritability. According to studies, about two million adults have experienced depression, 15.3 percent of those more than 65 have diabetes.

What studies have found

On 24 April 2007, older people who have symptoms and signs of depression – even if those symptoms occur only once, have great possibilities to develop diabetes than those who have not. However, there are few exemptions. The majority of the studies have defined symptoms and signs of depression based on a single study filled out by participants. Diabetes likely occurs when the symptoms and signs of depression or when depression has been present for a longer time.

The older the person and the longer the depression has been staying are very dangerous signs that forerun diabetes.

It is far better to have not suffered depression at all. Older adults, senior citizens and the baby boomers (who already have aged these days), should be extra careful on the depression-diabetes combination, as it is destructive.

Some ways to avoid depression

Depression is something that needs to be avoided not just for older adults or senior citizens but for everyone as well. We can avoid depression by offering goodwill to others or make others happy (because we cannot be happy by making others miserable), controlling our thoughts to be directed to the positive ones only, keeping busy, avoiding feelings of guilt, living a balanced life, not basing our happiness to other people and sharing problems to others.

Oral Glucose Tolerance Test or OGTT

It is important to know of our glucose levels with oral glucose tolerance test or OGTT so we shall know of the occurrence of pre-diabetes or gestational diabetes.

The oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), also known as the glucose tolerance test, measures the body’s ability to metabolize glucose, or clear it out of the bloodstream and the body’s major basis of energy. This examination is used to detect diabetes, gestational diabetes (diabetes during pregnancy) or pre-diabetes (a condition characterized by over-than-normal glucose levels that will lead to type 2 diabetes).

Glucose is very important to us because it is the sugar that gives energy to our body. However, so much sugar can cause diseases like diabetes. The OGTT is better able to diagnose high blood sugar after glucose challenge than the fasting blood sugar test, as National Institutes of Health (NIH) said. The doctor will recommend you to undergo the oral glucose tolerance test or OGTT if you suspect to have diabetes and even in cases where a patient’s fasting blood sugar level is normal. However, the test is more time-consuming and complex than the fasting blood sugar test.

Those who take the OGTT to diagnose diabetes or pre-diabetes must eat a normal, balanced diet the week before taking the test. Experts recommended that this diet contain at least 150 to 200 grams of carbohydrates each day. Patients should do the fasting for about 8 to 12 hours before having the check.

After fasting, blood is drawn to determine a fasting sugar level. After that, a patient should immediately drink a sugary (glucose-rich) beverage. Normally, the drinks contain 75 grams of carbohydrates, even though other amounts are possible. Blood will be drawn at a variety of intervals to measure the sugar levels, commonly one hour and two hours after the beverage is consumed.

Diabetic Women on Medicare

It is good for diabetic women and even for those who are not to have Medicare or any health insurance. It is also found out that healthcare for diabetic women are good as they shall be taken cared of in times when they need the medical care.

Diabetic women and Medicare

RAND Corporation, a research body studies that women with diabetes and cardiovascular diseases are less possible to receive some type of practice outpatient medical care than men with the same health troubles. Women with Medicare received extra care and concern than individuals on private insurance and it is observed that they have received many privileges.

Previous studies show that some women less often receive costly medical care like angioplasty for cardiovascular disease, some study has evaluate sex category disparity in manage care settings. RAND health survey studied both Medicare and private insurance holders who were diagnosed with cardiovascular disease and diabetes and have visited their physicians to obtain care.

While healthcare is always promoted to everyone because everyone gets sick from time to time, a diabetic woman with Medicare and commercial health plan was given more privileges to have eye exam than their guy colleagues. Otherwise, under-insurance is an additional massive problem for various patients with diabetes because various insurance policies offer minor protection against the fast increasing expenses of diabetes care.

Obtaining Medicare

In obtaining Medicare earlier and in a younger age, ask your doctor or health care provider if the regular test of glucose is right for you, and that the medicine, supplies and equipment are covered by the health insurance.

Do not forget to discuss with the Medicare provider the coverage of therapeutic or shoes like depth-inlay shoes, shoe inserts or custom-molded shoes.

Diabetic women having Medicare and other personal or private health insurance especially when you are sick and need optimal health care is very essential. Even if you have no diabetes, health insurance is important because we usually need healthcare when we retire and get old, and when no employer would help us with medical expenses anymore.

Glucose Tolerance in Men Who Are Underweight

Glucose tolerance in underweight men is not good. Overweight or being obese is one of the risk factors of diabetes. However, we should also know that being underweight is also a risk factor itself. The ideal weight is between overweight and underweight.

Finding out the glucose tolerance in underweight men shall prove that underweight is not a safe condition for diabetes at all. We have learned that obesity and overweight is a known risk factor especially of type 2 diabetes. We thought that if you are underweight, you are safe.

However, being low of weight and glucose tolerance can also lead to type 2 diabetes. There has been a test performed to men who were underweight, of normal weight and overweight to find out how their bodies tolerate sugar. Their bodies’ sensitivity to insulin was also calculated since it is noted that the major cause of type 2 diabetes is resistance to insulin.
The significance of how responsive the participants were shall specify their risks to acquire type 2 diabetes. Glucose tolerance was found less in men who were below the normal weight level or those who are underweight than those men who were of normal weight. Sugar tolerance in overweight volunteers was also poor, compared with the average weight groups. It is consequently concluded that sugar tolerance possibly affected not just in the overweight individuals, but individuals who are underweight; and that normal weight protection is important to prevent type 2 diabetes.

In order to identify the normal weight, use the body mass index (BMI) calculation which should indicate between 18.5 to 24.9 based on the given weight and height. If your weight is below normal you have to improve your weight in normal weight. Glucose tolerance is better for normal weight – not in underweight nor overweight. This is the safest way to improve your weight which would be accomplished similarly in losing weight - by exercising and proper diet.

You don’t need to intake foods high in protein, and fruits and vegetables that actually contain a little protein. Continue track if you notice that you are getting overweight, monitor your weight at least once a week.

Fish Oil for Diabetics

The study is still ongoing for the actual beneficial effects of fish oil to diabetics. However, there are already partial findings that fish oil is good for a diabetic patient.

Fish oil and its benefits to diabetics

Scientific specialists and studies show support of the uses of fish oil supplementation for diabetic patients, suggesting an affirmative result on triglyceride level and no unfavorable result on controlling the glycemics.


There was an administration of EPA – E (highly purified eicosapentaenoic acid ethyl ester) and in such incident, diabetes was revealed to be considerably suppressed at an EPA-A intake level of 0.3g/kg or higher. In addition, administering of EPA-E was found to lower the elevation of plasma glucose and improve coagulation-related parameters, also after an oral glucose load.

Fatty acids omega – 3 can increase many of the unhelpful metabolic effect of insulin resistance by lowering the blood pressure and triacylglycerol concentration. To do some experiments on fish oil to diabetics, EPA-E was established to increase clinical symptoms such as numbness and coldness, which forerun inferior extremities, low serum triglycerides and having albumin in the urine.


According to the research study that fish oil is helpful in fighting circulation problem associated with diabetes by making the walls of the veins and arteries smoother and more flexible. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and fish oil fatty acid have a positive result on adult-onset diabetes mellitus and a variety of disease. And diet rich in omega-3 can lower insulin resistance in diabetic person. Fish oil (omega 3 fatty acids) has been found to reduce adult-onset diabetes. Polyunsaturated fatty acid reduces type 2 diabetes risks for women,
according to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Fish oil for diabetics? It is best to ask your nutritionist if you can have some. It is not usually practiced to give some universal recommendations for all diabetic people, because the needs of each person are unique and varied so we could not give individualized guidance.

Flying with Diabetes, Carrying Diabetes Stuff and Dealing with Security Checks

Flying with diabetes with diabetes stuff and dealing with security checks is just like any travel. You have to plan for it and have to be more particular in the stuff that you have to bring along considering tight security checks and all.

Flying or travelling with diabetes is something that should plan ahead. Consider the most important diabetes stuff you have to bring along and how to deal with airport tight security checks.

If you wish to travel, make sure that you have prepared everything that is important to you. You have to plan ahead and more properly so that you will enjoy your travel. Talk to your physician about your travel plan. Ask your physician to have all your prescription for your medicines and supplies. Some airport requires travelling letter issued by your physician expressing your travel as a diabetic. Pack properly the amount of your diabetes supplies that is needed for your trip. Make sure that you keep everything in a convenient container.

Flying with diabetes with all those diabetes stuff such as syringes, pens, lancets and needles in one container or in a single diabetes kit can be intentionally convenient. The travelling diabetes kit contains medicines and other supplies that are intended for your diabetes. Keep it close all the time.

Take note on flying with diabetes with all those diabetes stuff.
Seek help from your doctor, from the airline and from the airport
You may ask your doctor to issue a letter or certificate that would certify that you are diabetic and are allowed to bring those diabetes-related things. It is most safe to contact the airline and the airport firsthand, show the letter or certificate and seek advice as to what to do during the actual travel itself. Flying with diabetes and with diabetes stuff is something you have to coordinate with the entities concerned to avoid travel inconvenience later on.

Bring your own meals or snacks

Nowadays, some airlines offered free meals and snacks but you are not sure that they are healthy and good for you as a diabetic. Have your own decent foods in your hand carry bag that should come in handy.

Reserve a passageway seat

As a diabetic person, you should choose a seat that enables you to easily move throughout the plane. Sitting for many hours can cause deep vein thrombosis (DVT) or your legs might have blood clot. The poor circulation might be a challenge for diabetic persons and DVT could be life threatening.
Flying with diabetes should include a digital watch in your diabetes stuff
A good digital watch could be your prompt to move up and go to the toilet or restroom and return to your seat.

Using airport time to burn calories

While waiting your flight use it to walk around to have an exercise and you will burn your fats and calories. Make your feet happy by doing foot exercise every 30 minutes.

Purchase bottled water when you have already been checked by the security
Make sure that you have water because you must drink a lot of water to prevent dehydration.

Request at the gateway for an exit row seat
Once you are at the airport ask at the gate for an exit row you will have lots room to stretch out you legs.

Arrival time

Just relax avoid from getting anxiety. Calm and be cool.
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