Thursday, July 14, 2011

Warning Signs of Diabetes

Knowing the warning signs of diabetes is important since it can help detect the illness at an early stage not only for ourselves but for our loved ones as well. Early detection is always good as it can give early treatment and cure to eradicate the illness soonest.

Having enough knowledge of the warning signs of diabetes is essential for everyone. Diabetes means there is much sugar in the blood. The sugar is supposed to stay at the cells of the body but is left in the blood either because the insulin, a hormone which job is to push them to the cell is lacking or there is enough insulin but it is not doing its job or simply, the body does not listen to insulin.

When blood sugar is of high level, it can be harmful to the body. That is why, it should be controlled. Every person should know early and surely the warning signs that diabetes is already present.


If you feel thirsty most of the time, it could be one of the warning signs of diabetes. Diabetics feel the need to drink much more than usual and feel like they cannot get enough water. Drinking water more often compels you to go to the bathroom more. Thus, this results to frequent urination.

Frequent urination

Since you drink water more than usual, you need to also urinate more than usual. When there is more sugar in the blood, the body’s kidneys will not be able to filter the sugar back to the blood, so they shall try to draw more water from the blood to dilute the sugar. This results to making the bladder full and the need to urinate.

Loss of weight

Loss of weight is one of the major warning signs of type 1 diabetes. It is when the main cause is lack of insulin. Since the body does not have sugar to fuel the process of energy production, it will search for other energy source by breaking down fat and muscle tissues. Loss of weight may not be noticeable with type 2 diabetes which is characterized more with “insulin resistance”.

Fatigue and weakness

We eat to have strength and energy. The food with take is processed to fuel the body for energy production. With diabetes, the sugar which is a finished product of food, does not reach its goal of getting into the body cells. The cells are starved, making you feeling weak, tired and fatigued.

Numbness of feet, legs or hands or neuropathy

Another common warning sign of diabetes is numbness or tingling of feet, legs or hands and it is called neuropathy. It happens when high blood sugar affects the nervous system, especially during extremes. For type 2 diabetes which occurs gradually, the patient is not aware of having it and nerve damage is already happening with the patient not aware of it. Neuropathy can be avoided when blood glucose is controlled.

Other warnings

Dry or itchy skin, blurred vision, frequent infections and bruises that heals longer – these can be signs that something in your body is amiss. Schedule a checkup with your doctor the soonest possible time.

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