Thursday, July 14, 2011

Centenarians: Living Up To 100 Years Old

Centenarian is the term for a person who has lived up to 100 years old. Do you want to be a Centenarian? Learn it from them.

To become a Centenarian or live to 100 years old with the fountain of youth might just be a myth but with modern medicine and today’s healthcare, living long is attainable. It is predicted that by 2050, there will be an estimated 1 million centenarians in America and you might already be on your way to be one of them.

Dan Buettner, author of the book “The Blue Zones” specified places in the world where Centenarians abound. Okinawa, Japan is one of these places. He presented their lifestyles and characteristics that contributed to their long lives.

Centenarians live an active life that keeps them moving. They are physically and mentally active. Moving does not mean exercise, you can do walking, swimming, golfing, etc. To be a Centenarian and live to 100 years old, make sure to have stretching programs for flexibility, do weight-lifting for muscle-building and for staying away from osteoporosis.

Stay married. Studies found that married people live longer than single ones. Though jokes said that it seems longer for married people, yet it really can help.

Maintain a healthy weight. Overweight limits the chances to live long and can make life’s journey slow and painful.

Drink moderately or better, do not drink at all. Smoking is also a no-no.
Good genes matter. Long life runs in the blood though environmental factors also counts. If your folks live long, your chances of living longer are higher too.

De-stress yourself

or live a worry-free life.Centenarians live simply without or less stress to they reach to be 100 years olds. Unnecessary stress shortens life. Find a meaningful, satisfying work to enjoy life. If you already retire, do something that gives your time value and purpose. Establish good relationships with loved ones and friends. This can be easier said than done but this is a big help.

Live simply. Some people who live simply find some fancy clothes as itchy and money as a burden.
Avoid depressing or boring people. Do not indulge on negative things or upsetting events. Negatives thoughts and feelings can activate physical responses like adrenaline secretion, that for many years can take a toll on the body. Being positive in attitude and personality can make you be a Centenarian to live longer to 100 years old. Life is too short. Have fun and get going.

Join activities that make your brain works and put you to social interaction such as chess, educational courses, music, micromanaging the lives of your children and many more.
Though some centenarians were not able to avoid illnesses such as hear diseases and cancer that usually plague them as they get older, many can also bounce back effectively.

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