Thursday, July 14, 2011

Dealing with Pre-diabetes or Metabolic Syndrome Issues

Pre-diabetes has become one of the biggest epidemics of the world. It is the condition when blood sugar is higher than normal, but lower still to be diagnosed as type 2 diabetes. Also known as metabolic syndrome, insulin-resistance syndrome or syndrome X, pre-diabetes affects a lot of people who, when not aware that they have it, can full blow to diabetes.

Pre-diabetes signs and symptoms

Metabolic syndrome which has pre-diabetes with it comes with signs and symptoms. Having a fat belly can be a big sign to pre-diabetes; the bigger your belly the bigger the risk of having pre-diabetes. Other signs are high blood pressure and high levels of insulin, blood sugar, triglyceride (blood fats) but lower levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL or good cholesterol). High insulin levels generally means insulin resistance or intolerance of glucose already starts to occur and this hinders the body to use insulin properly for burning carbohydrates and sugars.

Our lifestyle

Metabolic syndrome, is a result of taking too many simple carbohydrates and sugar. Unfortunately, our lifestyle today offers a lot of these ingredients that come in handy with our times . These are contributing factors to pre-diabetes or metabolic syndrome - soft drinks, fruit juice, fast-food meals, buns and fries are examples. Plus, an abundance of desserts, candy bars, pizza, pasta, bread and many more which are absorbed by our bodies very fast, eventually increasing blood sugar and insulin levels. Our bodies, if used to dealing with high insulin shall become insulin resistant and this scenario is already diabetes.
Taking too much simple carbs and sugar is not good for the liver as well. The liver, which works with the pancreas to regulate blood sugar, can become so fatty that it malfunctions and becomes insulin resistant itself.

What you can do

Pre-diabetes, means you are about to have real diabetes, but still have a big chance not to have it. Pre-diabetes and metabolic syndrome can be managed. For example, if you have abdominal obesity or have a fat belly, you can do something to reduce the size of your belly.
A lot of people who have been diagnosed with pre-diabetes and advised to lose pounds did it through better diet, physical activity and prevented diabetes from happening forever. It is because the symptoms and signs of pre-diabetes will correct when there are good changes in the person’s diet and physical activities.

How to deal with pre-diabetes? As any health professional shall advice: have a healthy diet and lifestyle, pre-diabetic or not.

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