Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Vitamin B12 and B12 Deficiency

B12 is a vitamin that is important for the body to have the brain and nervous system function properly. B12 deficiency therefore, also affects the brain and the nervous system. Know how the sources of B12 and how to avoid B12 deficiency.

Coblamin or vitamin B12 is a vitamin that is water soluble. Lack of it or B12 deficiency is dangerous for the normal functioning in the nervous sytem, brain and blood formation. B12 takes part in every cell’s process of metabolism especially one that affects the DNA regulation and synthesis as well as production of energy and synthesis of fatty acid.

Vitamin B12 sources

Vitamin B12 has cobalt, a rare element that is biochemical. It also has compounds called vitamers and all of them are doing favorable activity to the body. Sources of vitamin B12 are usually from animals such as shellfish, fish, poultry, milk, eggs, liver, fortified cereals and meat. Albeit eggs have vitamin B12, it also has something that can block absorption so must be taken with precaution.


Lack of vitamin B12 or B12 deficiency can have some adverse effects on the body; most affected are the nervous system and brain. Results may include poor memory, depression and fatigue. B12 deficiency can also be caused by inadequate intake of animal products. That is why it can happen to vegetarians who completely do not eat meat. The babies of vegetarians whom they breast-fed can have B12 deficiency too.

B12 deficiency can also be caused by some abnormalities inside the body itself. One of which is the lack of an acid inside the stomach which is responsible to segregate B12 and protein. This is more common to some elder people and those who take drugs that curb the production of gastric acid.

Another cause why B12 is deficient is short of intrinsic factor, a substance that works with B12 before the intestines absorb it. This results to B12 deficiency. Parietal cells inside the stomach produce the intrinsic factor. On the other hand, the inability of the parietal cells to produce intrinsic factor is caused by “pernicious anemia”, an autoimmune condition which destroys the parietal cells.

Some factors that cause B12 deficiency are alcoholism, kidney or liver disease and medications of diabetes and arthritis.

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