Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Knowing Pre-Diabetes Symptoms Can Stop Diabetes

Majority of diabetic patients had pre-diabetes symptoms. Had they acted on these symptoms earlier, diabetes would never had happen. Detecting the symptoms early and addressing them are important to avoid the diagnosis of diabetes later on.

Prediabetes is a term used to describe a condition when fasting blood glucose levels are higher, between 100 to 1256 mg/dl, yet not high enough to be considered as diabetes. Levels of blood sugar may indicate an insulin resistance that is worsening, and may lead to diabetes.

The symptoms can start as early as childhood, starting as insulin resistance and gets worse over time.

Some of these symptoms are stomach ache, diarrhea, constipation, bloating and stool issues, heartburn especially when sleeping, dizzy spells, gaining weight and a difficulty in losing it, headaches, sore throat, blurred vision that is worsening, trouble seeing during nighttime, a feeling of fatigued and depression.

Sometimes, arthritis can be diagnosed too. Also in the list as prediabetes symptoms that are very close to diabetes are joint aches that are constantly occurring, joint and muscle stiffness when waking up in the morning; burning and numbing feet or toes when standing for a long period; swollen ankles, puffiness, water retention, feeling of grumpy, nausea and shaky when you don’t eat; pounding heart or cold feeling when you wake up in the midst of the night that happens when blood sugar levels are low.

Feeling of being hungry even if you just have eaten; yeast infections frequently happening, slow healing of cuts and bruises, craving for sweet after meal even if feeling full already, high triglyceride levels, low levels of HDL cholesterol, drying and cracking heels that get worse if you go barefoot. The list goes on for prediabetes symptoms that are very close diabetes themselves Gingivitis, nasty taste in your mouth when you wake up even if you brushed your teeth before going to bed; sleepy or groggy feeling after eating even if you have plenty of rest, even sleeping on desk at work or during meetings.

With these symptoms, the person is already on his path towards some autoimmune disease like type 2 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis or celiac disease. At times, these symptoms also suggest some allergy to grain-based foods like rye and wheat, or problems with sensitivity to gluten, which can be corrected with a gluten-free diet.

To reverse insulin resistance, one can also lower carb intake. To also prevent prediabetes symptoms and avoid diabetes from happening, add high intensity intervals during exercises or cut off gluten based foods. Following a free diabetes diet can also be very effective to curtail diabetes. Moderate protein or reducing sugar might be difficult at first but can be extremely effective.

Knowing pre diabetes symptoms can make you alert, seek medical advice immediately and make necessarily adjustments or actions to prevent diabetes from happening.

1 comment:

  1. Nice guide! thank you!/I love it ! Very creative ! That's actually really cool Thanks.
    Pre Diabetes Symptoms


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