Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Type 2 Diabetes – A Culprit For Stroke

People with type 2 diabetes are at higher risks for stroke and other heart problems. Though diabetes is a manageable disease, it might produce complications more fatal than itself. With these, diabetics should be very careful in their health management.

Higher blood glucose levels can lead to higher risk for stroke and other heart problems. Hence, people with type 2 diabetes are more proned to stroke and cardiovascular problems. This is one of the enough reasons why diabetics should religiously watch over their blood glucose levels and keep them at safe levels all the time.

According to the American Diabetes Association, people whose Alc levels are above 7% are nearly 3 times to have a stroke than those with Alc below 5%. The Alc is a test to measure blood glucose levels over the previous months.

Consistent elevation of blood sugar levels can build up plaque in blood vessels which in turn interferes with the flow of blood. A plaque is a pasty substance consisting of calcium, cholesterol, protein and cellular waste. Type 2 diabetes with high blood sugar levels contribute to the formation of this plaque. Then, the plaque sticks to the blood vessel walls and impair blood flow that can lead to stroke.

To control and minimize the buildup of plaques, blood glucose should be kept at a normal and safe range.


Stroke is one of the main causes of death and disability among the population worldwide. It involves the brain and the blood vessels. The American Stroke Association website says that a stroke happens when a blood vessel which carries nutrients and oxygen to the brain is blocked by a clot (this is ischemic stroke) or bursts (called hemorrhagic stroke) – a danger more fatal than type 2 diabetes. When stroke occurs, the nutrients and oxygen cannot reach the brain, depriving the latter of its needed items and it begins to die.

When the brain cells are deprived of oxygen and nutrients for more than a few minutes, they begin to die, leading to brain damage. Strokes should be treated within 60 minutes as it extremely needs immediate medical attention.

Be warned with the following signs of strokes and take action immediately. To name a few: weakness and numbness in one arm, one leg or one side of the face; extreme dizziness; difficulty in keeping balance, walking, talking or understanding others; and confusion.

To reduce the risk of stroke, the following are some of the best ways: keep good levels of blood glucose, exercise, healthy, ideal body weight; eating fruit, vegetables, whole grains and low-fat diet and quitting smoking.

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