Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Specific Vegetables Diabetics Should Take

Eating vegetables is healthy for everybody. It is more important to those who have illness like diabetes. There are specific vegetables that are highly-recommended for diabetics.

There are specific vegetables that diabetics should take. Generally, vegetables contain the required vitamins and fiber that the body needs. Because many of them have lesser amount of calories and carbohydrates, they can also be taken in large quantities without fear of doing harm to one’s body.

Vegetables are always associated as healthy foods. They help prevent a lot of diseases and promote good health. Vegetables are good to avoid stroke, chronic disorders, coronary heart diseases as well as cancers in the digestive tract and lungs. Vegetables help make the bones healthy and are rich in carotenoid, an attribute that causes the decrease the risk of vision disorders such as cataracts. Cataracts can result from longer exposure to UV lights.

High fibre foods like some specific vegetables are really good for diabetics because they are digested by the body very slowly, making blood sugar levels to rise slowly too. Oat meal, oranges, whole grains, raisin, zucchini help reduce sugar levels by about 25% which is very advantageous for diabetics.

Vegetables for diabetes management

Onions and garlics are some of the vegetables that are noted to help reduce blood glucose levels. These are very helpful for patients with diabetes. So are bitter gourd. Though some vegetables have lesser calories and carbs, others have high and should be taken by diabetics in small amounts.

The following are the vegetables diabetics should take

Bitter Gourd is taken like a folk medicine for diabetics because it is rich in all the needed ores and vitamins like iron, B1, B2, C and iron. One of the specific vegetables that are recommended for diabetics, bitter gourd helps nourish patients and increases body resistance against infection.

Bengal Gram. Experiments proved that Bengal gram is good for diabetics and non-diabetics alike. It increases the use of glucose and its germinated black gram can be a treatment for a softer kind of diabetes.

Groundnut. Groundnut helps prevent malnutrition and checks if vascular complication has been developed.

Lettuce, soya and tomato

It is important to include lettuce, soya and tomato in your food. They help improve the levels of blood sugar and contribute to general health.

Celery, cabbage, mint and eggplant are included in the list of specific vegetables that are good for diabetics. And so are radish, fenugreek leaves, amaranth, cauliflower, kale, ash gourd, turnip and spinach, drumstick, French beans, cucumber, pumpkin, lady’s finger, onion stalk, ridge gourd and snake gourd are other beneficial vegetables for diabetic patients. Patients whose sugar levels are high can enjoy non-starchy veggies like puha, parengo, green beans, parengo, broccoli and kamo-kamo.

Diabetic patients should avoid root vegetables and those veggies that have more starch like beetroot, tapioca, carrot, yam, potato and sweet potato. They should also eat very limited amount of colocasia, corn, green plantain, taro, double beans, kumara, breadfruit, tender jackfruit, artichoke, cluster beans, cassava and broad beans. Much carbohydrate content results to much increase of blood sugar levels too.

Aside from eating more these specific vegetables, it is equally important for diabetics t is very important to avoid smoking, as the benefits of these vegetables very less in the case of people who smoke.

Green, leafy veggies are very good to have a well-managed diabetes or a diabetes-free life.

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