Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Yoga for Diabetes Management

Yoga is claimed to bring lots of benefits for a diabetic to execute his diabetes management. There is no far possibility to the claim since yoga itself is a form of exercise, and exercise is indeed part of putting diabetes at a safe level.

Yoga is a science of practical and systematic discipline which goal is to help human beings be aware of their deepest nature. Yoga is an experiential science of self study, not a religious process. Therefore, it does not contradict anyone’s religious faith and can be practiced by anyone.

Coming from the word “yuj”, meaning “yoke” or “unity”, yoga teaches that the human being’s “nature” can go beyond mind and personality. Its purpose is to unite man with the highest nature. Unless yoga is practiced, man has limitations of his mind, body and senses.

Yoga on diabetes

It is being claimed that regular practice of yoga helps maintain a healthy weight and reduces blood sugar levels, weight, blood pressure and the risk of developing complications. Yoga is an effective way to reduce stress, glucagons and improve insulin action, thus making it an ideal member of diabetes management.

Weight loss is one of the benefits from doing yoga, as well as relaxation of the muscles and improvement of the supply of blood in the vessels. Yoga can reduce “stress hormones” in the blood such as non-adrenaline, adrenaline and cortisol. This likely improves insulin action. Many postures in yoga produce some stretches on the pancreas, which can result to stimulate the pancreatic function.

Yoga exercise can improve insulin administration. It also increases supply of oxygen to the organs and the efficiency of the organs’ function. Various glands in the body which are stretched during the yoga process increases the efficiency of the endocrine system.


Meditation which is part of yoga is especially useful in stress management and so with diabetes management. It is aimed to achieve a mind that is relaxed and concentrated. Such mind creates an effect on the nervous system as calming. Meditation can be difficult at first but constant performance can make it easier.

It is claimed that patients with diabetes, concentration on the pancreas during meditation results to positive effects on the levels of blood glucose. The positive outlook that yoga encourages not only makes a person fit and energetic, but also cheerful and smiling at all times.

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