Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Acupuncture for Diabetes – Anyone?

Some studies reveal that acupuncture can cure diabetes. However, some are still not able to accept its effectiveness in the treatment of the illness.

Can acupuncture cure diabetes? Diabetes becomes prevalent nowadays. As society becomes affluent, more food is available. The newspapers in the United States reports the increase of the number of people who developed the disease. It is predicted that in the near future, half of the Hispanic population may develop diabetes.

While diabetes is primarily caused by malfunction in the pancreas, how can acupuncture help? Scientific studies reveal that acupuncture can lower blood glucose content, ease urge to eat much, excessive urine, prevent slowing of motor nerve conduction, improve microcirculation, enhance blood flow, elevate a lowered pain threshold and increase cell proliferation.

Acupuncture is an alternative medicine which is used to treat patients by manipulating and inserting needles in the body. Its proponents claim that acupuncture threats infertility, relieves pain, prevent or treat disease and promotes health in general.

Acupuncture is commonly used to treat diabetes in China. While Americans think that it only fits to treat pain, few people have turned to acupuncture for diabetes treatment.

Several experiments concluded that the effectiveness of acupuncture to treat diabetes is similar to those of diabetes pills. However, it is found out that acupuncture excels in complication prevention especially for cardiovascular disease. Some also conclude that acupuncture is most effective in treating diabetes to patients who are younger and to those which disease manifestation is milder.

It can also be safe to conclude that a combination of acupuncture, Chinese dietary therapy, herbal therapy, Chinese exercise is an effective diabetes treatment. Most of all, ask what your doctor say about trying acupuncture yourself.

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