Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Diabetes Complications: Ways to Avoid Them

Diabetes complications are what makes diabetes harmful. Even if you have diabetes already, you still can practice ways to avoid these complications with proper care and management.

Diabetes complications are dangerous. So any diabetic should seriously find ways to avoid them. Diabetes demands a lasting care. If managed well, it can bring no harm at all. Managing and controlling diabetes should come as a habit in order to avoid complications. Complications are what make diabetes dangerous. Avoiding them however, means a smooth journey to healthy living.

Commit to diabetes management

If you have diabetes, learn about the disease. Knowing it can make you subdue it. You may have a circle of people who will help you fight the disease. However, you are the front liner. The way you handle the disease can make or break yourself.

Commit yourself to healthy food and lifestyle. If this becomes a habit, it would be much easier for you to avoid diabetes complications as it surely is one of the ways to avoid harm. Keep track of your blood sugar levels. Be coachable to your doctors. Take medications religiously.


Those who do not take the benefits of exercise at heart, find it a grueling activity. Those who do find it relaxing and rewarding. Make sure you get yourself used to exercise as a routine as it is part of diabetes management. Exercise helps you maintain a healthy weight, safe blood sugar levels and lower the risk for heart problems. The main reason for exercise benefit is that working muscles of the body utilize more sugar than those which are at rest.

Avoid diabetes complications by keeping cholesterol and blood pressure normal

High cholesterol and blood pressure can destroy the blood vessels. One of the ways to avoid harm is to keep an eye on this. When you have diabetes, these culprits can worsen and expedite their damage. Having diabetes, high cholesterol and high blood pressure are forerunners of stroke, heart attack and other fatal complications.

To avoid cholesterol and high blood pressure, mind the food you eat. Exercise can help achieve this too.

Do not smoke

Smoking can increase your risk of earning dangerous complications like stroke, heart attack, kidney disease and nerve damage. Smoking diabetics increase this risk three times. Ask for your doctor’s help on how to avoid and stop smoking for your own sake.

Take good care of your eyes, feet and teeth

Diabetes complications can target the eyes, feet and teeth. Find ways to avoid this by taking care of your eyes, feet and teeth. During physical check-up, your doctor will generally check for usual diabetes complications like kidney or nerve damage, heart disease, eye damage and foot damage.
Go for regular eye checkup to have the eye specialist detect for signs of cataracts, retinal damage and glaucoma.

Take care of your feet by washing them with lukewarm water everyday, moisturizing them and checking them for cuts, redness, blisters, swelling and wounds that do not heal fast. Consult your doctor right away if you see problems in your feet.

Diabetes complications can go to your teeth too. One of the ways to avoid teeth damage is to check your mouth for gum infections and report to your dentist if you see that your gums are swollen or bleeding. Brush your teeth at least twice everyday, floss them daily and go to the dentist regularly.

Stay positive

Attitude is everything. If you have diabetes, save yourself by staying positive. This trait can lead you to a long way. Being positive makes diabetes management easier.

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