Wednesday, July 6, 2011

When a Loved One Has Diabetes: How You Can Help

When a loved one has diabetes, especially a family member, think of how you can help. This can also be a challenging experience for you. Albeit the disease is not something you yourself can control, but how you can help your diabetic loved one matters a lot. You can either make or break his or her life with diabetes.

When a loved one has diabetes, it may seem you yourself have to live with the illness too, most especially if you are living in the same house or he is a family member. A diabetic definitely needs the support of the people who are close to him. Think of things and ways of how you can help to unburden his load. Your choice is actually to either encourage or put him down.

Learn about diabetes

The first thing to do is to learn about diabetes yourself. Having much knowledge of the illness will make you become more understanding of your diabetic loved one. You should know all you can about how diabetics should stay healthy, how to check their

blood sugar levels in order to live successfully with the disease. Furthermore, when a loved one has diabetes, how you can help is to know diabetes symptoms in order to recognize any dangerous signs that may adversely affect the diabetic.

Changing lifestyle

A diabetic needs switching to healthy foods. It is not good that he does that and other family members like you have a different food to eat. It may not feel good for the diabetic to just do his exercise while the rest are watching TV. These shall make the diabetic feel all alone in dealing with his disease and it might be tougher.

The person diagnosed with diabetes need to change his diet, exercise and lifestyle. You can show your support when a loved one has diabetes, by helping him go through the changes such as encouraging him to eat healthy foods while eating those foods yourself. That is how you can help. Or accompany the individual to shop for foods that do not have much sugar, fats and cholesterols. It is also pleasant that you go with him during an exercise program.

You will definitely not lose anything since diabetic diet and exercise are good for everyone. You can swim, walk, jog or dance together.

A support from a loved one

How good are you as a loved one in supporting a diabetic individual will either worse or lighten his diabetes. It is important that you strengthen your relationship among family members in order to improve the diabetic’s overall health.

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