Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Low-phosphorous Diet for Kidney Health

Applying the low-phosphorus diet is good for the kidneys, and can manage kidney disease if there are any. It is good to start considering now on how we can achieve a low-phosphorous diet.

Low phosphorous diet contributes to kidney health. Regulating the levels of phosphorus in the blood is the major role of the kidneys in our bodies. Understandably, if they malfunction, there shall be more phosphorous in the blood and this condition is called hyperphosphatemia. Elevated phosphorous levels decrease the blood’s calcium level and this can lead to bone disease.

800 to 1,000 milligrams (mg) of phosphorus is the daily limit for someone with a kidney disease to take. Healthy adults may eat twice as this. Most food contain phosphorus, that it is difficult to get rid of phosphorous from your diet. Most high-protein foods like dairy products, meats, legumes, beans, seeds and nuts are also high in phosphorous. Whole wheat grains are high in phosphorous so, if you want low-phosphorous diet, choose the refined ones for your kidney health. Unless you receive a kidney dialysis, you shall be advised to take smaller quantities of foods high in phosphorous.

Best Food Choices

It is healthy to pick foods with lower phosphorous from the high-phosphorous foods. For example, prefer unfortified rice milk or nondairy creamer instead of pudding, milk or yogurt; cream or cottage cheese instead of hard cheeses; froze fruit pops instead of frozen yogurt or ice cream; water-based or broth with lower-phosphorous instead of those with higher phosphorous like peas, milk, lentils and beans.

The list for low- and high-phosphorous foods is a long one. The needs likewise vary in every person depending on their kidney functions. The preference for low-phosphorus diet to contribute to kidney health is still the best option.

Phosphorus sources

Common sources of phosphorus are milk, yogurt, cheese, nuts, peas, bran, seeds, whole wheat, dried beans, whole grains, cereals , peanut butter, organ meats and chocolate. Baking powder is also a source – which teaspoon has more than 450mg and 350 mg plus sodium. Baking powder can make pancake mix, biscuits, bakery products and quick breads.

Food labels

Food manufacturers may use ingredients that contain phosphorous to avoid discoloration, make the taste better and thicken the food they process. To know this, read the food labels and check if phosphorous has been added. If there is, you may choose a different item which does not contain such additive.

To achieve low-phosphorus diet for kidney health, it is likewise important to check any ingredient in the food label that contains “phos”. Many additives contain phosphorous like calcium phosphate, phosphoric acid, disodium phosphate, monopotassium phosphate, tricalcium phosphate and pyrophosphate polyphosphates.

Note that it is not a must for food manufacturers to indicate the amount of phosphorus on the labels. To make sure you have a healthy choice and get enough nutrition, consult your dietitian.

Sometimes, your doctor recommends medication that is a phosphate binder, since it is hard to avoid phosphorus in your diet. This can help control the absorption of phosphorus in your body from the food you eat. Or, he may recommend calcium or other supplements based on your needs. Also, remember to stay away from supplements of medication that has phosphorus.

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