Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Prevention: Treat Diabetes Before It Happens

Prevention is better than diabetes management. As one of the popular illnesses in the world today already claiming a lot of lives with its complications that it brings, many still have a chance to avoid its occurrence on their own lives.


One of the best prevention is to target on the food intake first to keep away diabetes. It is good to develop the habit of eating healthy foods such as foods that influence the blood sugar levels. Avoid taking much of eggs, cookies, sugary drinks and sugary foods. Take less refined carbohydrates which produce the same amount of sugar to your blood. Have whole wheat products, whole grains and other sources of protein like cottage cheese and fruit cocktail. . If you are fond of sweet foods, you can substitute them with fruits. Apples can be good alternates to take regularly too.

It is recommended to have an increased of high fiber intake and limit the amount of fats.
A good prevention for diabetes is for the diet to be balance. It is not advisable that you completely eliminate eating foods with fats. Just lessen taking saturated fats and hydrogenated oils, which are noticed to be contained in canned and packaged foods. Nuts and natural butter are better healthy options.

Healthy Routine

Taking healthy diet or food is not enough to prevent diabetes. It should be paired by a healthy routine such as brisk walking or exercise. Exercise can help the blood sugar in its healthy levels. It helps lose weight by maintaining a high metabolism rate.

When prevention is not enough

Diabetes can happen not because a person lacks his preventive maintenance but because of a number of factors one of the major factors of which is genetics, wherein prevention is powerless to stop diabetes from occurring. If it runs in the family already, you are most likely vulnerable. However, it is something you should not take against yourself anyway.

If diabetes does happen, already possessing the habit of healthy diet and routine can help a lot in diabetes management. Complications from the illness can still be far apart.

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