Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Delicious Pair of Milk and Yogurt – Even Good for Patients with Diabetes

Milk and yogurt are where you can get a substantial amount of calcium and protein. They are one of the best pairs that provide healthy nutrients for the body and good even for people with diabetes.

A healthy pair of milk and yogurt

Low-fat, nonfat, skim-free or fat-free milk and yogurt that is fat-free or low-fat are good for everyone, even with patients who have diabetes. They give calcium, protein, energy, vitamin A and other vitamins and minerals. This pair has less cholesterol, saturated and total fat. The amount of milk and yogurt you take depends on the calories you need and how you take care of your diabetes. Check the labels for what quantity fits you. However, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you may take 4 to 5 servings of milk and yogurt everyday.


Taking milk and yogurt helps you manage blood glucose and for non-diabetics, decrease the risk of having the disease by about 15%. Take this milk and yogurt healthy pair as a snack instead of sugary or carbonated drinks. It is safe for your diabetes aside from being delicious and enjoyable.

Studies have revealed that drinking milk can decrease the risk of diabetes, heat disease, premature death, metabolic syndrome in men and helps get rid of teenage acne.

For some people who do not taking milk and yogurt, you may combine them with other food such as putting milk in eggs, cereal, meatloaf, soups, gravies or casseroles. Or put yogurt as a substitute for sour cream on baked potatoes, or on fruits to make a tasty smoothie.

Just take note that milk should be non-fat or low-fat and yogurt should be sugar-free. Ask your physician for a safe amount of milk and yogurt to take that is safe for your diabetes.

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