Thursday, July 14, 2011

Behavioral Changes in Diabetics

As diabetes is a manageable disease, it cannot be so for those who unwelcome behavioral changes especially for diabetics who have attitude problems. Thus, it is important to learn what these behavioral changes are and how to help patients with diabetes to cope with them.

Behavioral changes happen to diabetics. Patients with diabetes are at the forefront of managing their illness well and good enough. If they themselves do not have the self-drive to do it, it can be very detrimental to them. Motivated diabetics find it easier to take a healthy diet, live a healthy lifestyle and always keep blood sugar at safe levels.
Even those at diabetes medical management, find it fit and effective to suit the treatment and medication according to the patient’s current behavioral change. That is why, it is important to know these behavioral changes in diabetics and how to address them.

Stages of Change

Researchers found that there are stages in the change of behavior on people with diabetes. Most common stage of behavioral changes among diabetics are: pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action and maintenance.

Pre-contemplation is when the patient does not intend to do any change such as not intending to reduce the intake of fats and calories to adjust himself to the diabetes illness. Contemplation is when the patient starts to change to achieve a certain goal in the next few months, say six months; but not in the next few days such as the next 30 days. At this stage, his willingness to change can already be gradual, not immediate and quick.
Preparation is when the patient already intends to make a change in the near future and is taking preparation for that change. The goal though for this stage of behavioral change in diabetics is for the immediate future and not long-term. Action is when already has made changes in the past six months for example. Maintenance is that his behavior already is ready for reaching goals for the next say, six months or longer.

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